

Chapter Fourteen

Candy P.O.V

Ugh! why is it Monday already!

I went to the bathroom and took a shower, I rapped my towel around me sat at my table, took up the hair dryer and blew out my hair. I looked in the mirror and saw Mark I dropped my blew dryer and turned around there wasn't anyone there.

Oh Crap! I'm gonna have to buy one more hairdryer.

Later at school

"Candy, I can't keep doing this you need to tell Lana that she needs to come back to school"The teacher said to me.
"I told you she is sick"I said.

The teacher sighted.

"Here is her home work and don't worry I summarized the work for her"The teacher said handing me lanas homework I tooo it and put it in my bag.

Later After school.

Why didn't I call Sebastian to drive me to school, now I'm have to walk home get some free time to myself and then call him to bring me back to Nathan's house.

"Hey!"I heard from behind me.
"Mark?"I said turning around but he wasn't there.

Ok this is the second time, I think I need a therapy or a doctor.

I kept on walking down the side walk till I reach my neghbor hood and went to my house and got in.

Home sweet home.

I threw my keys on the counter after closing the door.

Then I took up the remote and turned the tv on.

"Shoudn't you be doing homework!"I heard Mark say.

Candy it's ok, he's not here.

I switched the channels then the tv turn off.

I stayed there for a while.

What's going on.

Then there was a knock on the door, I jumped I went to answer if I saw Mark.

"Its ok Candy, it's not real you are imagining things"I said.
"Are you ok?"he asked me.
"Wait are you actually here?"I asked.
"Yeah!"he said.

I touched his face, he is real.

"Uh.....i feel weird now."

I moved out of the way and let him come in.

"Don't you dare think for a second that, things are back to normal between us"I said.
"Wait dose that mea that you are gonn stop calling me 'Marky' now, I was just starting to like that Nick name"he said.
"Why are you here?"I asked.
"I came to see you"he said.
"For?"I asked.
"We need to talk"he said.
"Are you gonna tell me that secret"I asked
"No"he said.
"Please leave"I said pointing at the door.
"Why do you want to know it so bad?"he asked me.
"Dose it answer why I saw your eyes red?"I asked.
"Yeah"he said.
"Then taht why"I said.
"I'm not Nathan he told Lana that secret before they where together and I don't think I'm gonna rush that with you"he said.
"Mark, you are not Nathan"
"Exacly"he said.
"Oh! now I get it, you are gonna wait until Nathan gives you a heads up before you can tell me anything. Let me guess he says the word and you do it."
"It's not like that"He said.
"Then what is it like, why cat you just tell me! what do I have to prove to you!"
"Its just-"
"Mark, please tell me"I said
"Candy, I really want to tell you but I can't just wait please"he said.
"Did you know? I don't hook up with one boy twice but I want to do that again with you but I think I'm gonna just go to a club tonight and have sex with a random guy"I said.
"Wait, you go around and have sex with boys you don't know!?"he asked me
"No, I don't go taht far are you crazy!"I said.
"Then why did you say you where gonna do it"
"To make you jealous"I said.
"You are not going to any club and if there is any guy you are having sex with, it's gonna be me"he said.
"Hmmm...... I'll put your name in the list of thing I don't do"I said.
"You really shouldn't temp me"he said.
"Wahtever, I have homework to do so bye"
"Dose your homework include watching tv?"he asked.
"No"I said
"Ok then I think I'm gonna stay here with you until it's done"he said.
"But you can't"I said.
"Ok, look me in my eyes and kick me out"he said.
"Make yourself at home"I told him.

I went up to my room and he followed me.

"Hey! you don't have to follow me you know!"I said.
"Just making sure your doing your homework"he said.
"Fine!"I groaned.

I sat around my desk and took out my books and started my homework, he sat on my bed and stared at me.

"Can you please leave?"I asked.
"Why?"he asked me.
"Just leave, at least my room!"I said.
"No"he said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Do you hate me?"he asked.
"No, I'm just angry at you"I said.
"Oh, ok"he said.
"I'm loosing my focus!"I said.
"How comes?"he asked.
"You are in here"I said.
"So your loosing your focus because of me?"he asked.
"Yes!"I said.

He got up walked over to me took the pen out of my hand. I looked up at him.He pulled me up.

"Are you still loosing your focus?"he asked.
"Yeah!"I said.

He started into my eyes, then his eyes fell down to my lips he leaned in and gave me a kiss I bit down on his bottom lip.

"I though, you where gonna push me away or slap"he said.
"Shut up and kiss me"I said.

I started kissing him, he kissed me back and put me on the table he stand between my legs. He put his tongue in my mouth and kissed me roughly. He took me up and put me on the bed getting on top of me he left my mouth and went down to my nech leaving a wet trail. I moan grabbing on to him. He was kissing my neck really roughly he was surly gonna leave a hicky on my neck.

"Mark"I said trying to tell him to stop but it sounded like a moan.

He was still on my neck, when I said his name he looked at me. He had does same red eyes, I looked at him and he just stared back. This time his eyes didn't changed back and then he kissed me like it was the end of the world, and then he was gone. He just vanished, one second he was here and the next he was gone. Was that also a hallucination? What is going on? I need a doctor.

Marks P.O.V

I went back to the house and found Nathan.

"What do you want?"he asked.
"I almost bit her"I said.
"Who?"he asked.
"Candy"I said.
"Lana's friend?" he asked
"Yeah"I said
"Dose she know about you?"he asked
"No, but she is probably gonna find out"I told him
"How comes?"he asked
"She saw my red eyes"I said
"And I caught her snooping around in the museum"I said
"Well that's bad"he said
"Then tell her the truth"he said
"You want me to do what!?"I asked
"Tell candy what you are and explain to her about it"he said.
"Yeah, I'm gonna think about it"I said, and left.

Lana's P.O.V

Candy called me in the phone I answered.

"Lana, I'm loosing my mind"she said.
"What are you talking about?"I asked.
"I though I was here with Mark but then he was just gone like that, right out if the blue"she said.
"Candy, you are not loosing your mind, he dose that sometimes"I said.
"How do you know?"she asked.
"Because, Nathan dose it too"I said.
"I'm not getting it"she said.
"Did Mark tell you about him?"I asked.
"No"she said.
"Oh! but don't worry all will be explained soon. I'm sure he's gonna tell you"I said.
"Lana, every time we kiss his eyes turn red"she said.
"Are you still on that topic?"I asked.
"You know what your right, I should just get Mark off my mind."
"I'm gonna call Sebastian and let him give you a ride over here"
"No need to, I'm not coming over today"she said.
"Ok, how am I gonna get my homework?"I asked.
"Ask your boyfriend to come for it or whatever"she said.
"Bye Lana"she said and hung up.

Ok, weird.

Candy P.O.V

All I got to do is get Mark off my mind.

That should be easy.

The Next day was a normal day, I didn't see any hallucinations. But when school was over and I went home that's when it started, I could see him, I could toucha him, I could feel him, i could kiss him, I could hold him. How is it not real.

Marks P.O.V

She things she's loosing her mind when I am, I want her all of her. Can't I just have a little taste of her blood, just a little bit I'll control myself.

Candy P.O.V

And just like that he was gone. This went on for a while it starts off as a normal day and then when it's night he comes and leaves. I can't take this anymore, I need a doctor.

One night when he came I didn't let him touch me I stayed away.

"What's wrong?"he asked.
"You are gonna leave me"I said.
"I always come back"He said.
"Why are you always leaving?"I asked.
"If I stay there is no telling what I could do to you"he said.
"I don't care, just please stay"I said.

He sighted.

"Ok"he said.

He walked over to me. Put his on my face.

"I won't leave you"he said.

And then he kissed me.

"But don't blame me for what happens next"he said as his eyes turn red.

He gently put his hand on my hips pulling me towards him as he crashed his lips against mine. My hands where in his hair kissing him back.

© kel