

thrue space
I wake up, my cat laying on my legs.I want to push him off but I don't want to make him mad either. So I slowly moved my legs and let the little kitty sleep.Then I get ready for work I get my suite,and head off. Then I get into my hot pink car and drive fastly.Then I erive to the big space shuttle. I start climbing up the latter. Then I reached the door .Inside that was a lot of space for extra stuff .And a little after that start counting "5 4 3." I quickly rush to my seat and I almost didn't make it. Then the shuttle goes past the moon and then Mars and then Uranus and then Pluto. And even farther until I saw a planet right in front of me. Then the shuttle crashed .Wen I wake up my ears are ringing. Then I see a shadow of a creature...almost like alien from the movie alien. So I slowly move back then its head looks my way.Then I ran it was close but I was faster .Then I sit under a big huge leaf.