

Alice In Wonderland (With A Twist)
Alice finds the eternal castle and discovers that time is actually a person.

"And what do you want, you kindergartener?" Time wriggles his moustache, cocking his long, black brows at Alice.

"I've come to ask you to lend me the chronosphere. Please, I need it for my friend who is very ill."

Alice shovels her feet, nervous as a cat.

Time pauses for a moment before he roars in laughter.

"The chronosphere!"

He turns to his minions, pointing at Alice:

"She wants the chronosphere!"

Time and his little, odd-looking minions continue in their mocking laughter and pointing at Alice.

"Whatever are you laughing for? I tendered a request to you politely!" Alice stomps her feet to emphasize her point.

Time and his minions stop their laughter to glance at Alice.

"Dear me, but she is serious!"

Time comes closer to Alice, adjusting his monocle and sizing her up.

"You want the chronosphere?"

"Yes, I'm sure I've told you several times now."

"Well, my anwer is no. I won't give you or anyone the chronosphere."


"Because the chronosphere powers the entirety of my castle! If you take it away, then all of time will be tampered with!"

Time suddenly chuckles, replacing his serious countenance with a funny expression.

"Did you notice the pun? I'm time."

Time and his minions fall into another spell of cackles, leaving Alice sour-tempered.

"Time, you're making our guest uncomfortable."

The whole group turns to regard the person who has just entered. A girl with dishevelled orange hair wearing a hat with mechanical goggles approaches.

"She is only asking you nicely."

"Absolutely not! No one touches the chronosphere!"

Time whirls sharply on his heels.

"Seconds, minutes!"

Two little mechanical, queer, clock-looking creatures stagger at Time's feet, answering in ticks and tocks.

"Send more minions to guard the chronosphere! I don't trust some people around here!

"Yes, master."

"And send that kindergartener far away from my castle!"

"Yes, master!"

They anwer in their uniformed, steel-grinding voices. The two clock creatures waddle in ticks and mechanical noises towards Alice.

"The master says you should leave."

They strech their thin, steel hands, pointing to the door. Alice looks up at the strange girl, who suddenly pulls Alice towards the door.

"What are you doing?? I need the chronosphere!"


The girl's rough and semi-greasy hands cover Alice's mouth, before she whispers to her:

"Don't scream! I want the chronosphere too!"

"You do??"

Alice straightens up, regarding the girl with surprised eyes.

"Of course! I need it to travel back in time to find my family."

"My, but what a coincidence! That is exactly what I need it for!"


"Yes!" Alice clasps her hands together in joy.

"I need it for a dear friend of mine - the Mad Hatter he is dearly called - to find his family!"

"Did you say the Mad Hatter??"

"Yes, why? Do you know him?"

Alice smiles expectantly at the girl.

"Of course, I do! The Mad Hatter is my brother!"

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#Aliceinwonderland #Alicethroughthelookingglass #LewisCaroll