

Case NO. G707 ~Chapter 2
Chapter 2- The truth needs to come out!

​Officer Yukti was leading Steve's case and found some evidences which were enough to make the culprit suffer for the life time.The day on which the forensic reports of evidences was about to come,the senior officer announced that " because of no evidence , we are closing this case". Yukti found something fishy," all evidences and witnesses were there still he was shutting the case down?".

Later that evening, she was passing through and overheard the conversation of the senior officer and the minister. 

(The conversation)

Senior officer: " Sir,I have closed the case as you wished, but sir, you didn't told me what's the actual matter. I mean lack of evidence was just an excuse, right sir?"

Minister: "Yes, this case is related to my son. I don't want him to get involved in this mess. And....keep this money, this thing should not be taken out of this roo..."

(A strange noise cuts off minister's sentence, it was Yukti)

Senior officer: "Hey! Who's there? Show up yourself! Guards! Find out who was listening us."

Minister: "Make sure that this person sleeps forever, as soon as possible."(The officer agreed)

Yukti somehow manages to escape from there, after reaching home she decides to investigate Steve's case without telling anyone. She contacted Steve .(On call)

Yukti: " Officer Yukti speaking, don't be disappointed about your uncle,aunt's death case. I'll solve your case."

Steve:" Can you?"

Yukti:"Yes, just help me out, truth needs to come out now!"

Next day,  Yukti went to Adam's house with Steve and started her investigation. She searched a lot for more evidences against the minister's son. But was unable to find something. Yukti was just going to ask Steve if there were any secret rooms in the house that her leg got stuck on something. She called Steve immediately and asked to lift up that box. 

Yukti:"Open this box, let me check what secrets it's hiding inside. "

She was stunned after opening the box. 

Steve:"What happened? What's inside?"

Yukti:"So that minister's spoiled rich son killed two more people."

Steve:"What ?Two more!?"

Yukti:"Yeah! Is there any other place where you didn't searched for your uncle, aunty?"

Steve:"Yes,the backyard."

They both went to the backyard, Yukti spotted a place which was looking as if someone dugout there recently, which increased Yukti's suspicion. And....

Yukti's suspicions were right, she found strong evidences there.

So what was buried there? 

Will Yukti be able to solve the case?

Will she be able to protect herself from the minister and her senior?

To know further , as always 

Stay connected!🙃

-Writer Yuktika-

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