


(Kevin proposal)

Will you marry me? Kevin asked me and my heart almost stop beating immediately.
Gosh! I never expected it to be so early.
We just met six weeks ago and here is Kevin proposing to me.
Hmm, I muttered to myself, Yes! I can't tell if I really love him but one thing I know is that he do spoil me with gifts and packages and I feel loved each time we are together..
He's non-stop jokes and gist won't let me stop laughing and smiling..
He's a good guy, tall, cute, he's dark and had adorable eyes... He's rich and responsible...
He's the dream of every young woman out there....
I must confess I'm beginning to fall for him..
But two things I noticed in me within this few weeks we met Kevin is a very temperamental and jealous type.
I couldn't believe what my eyes saw the day he was having an argument with his close friend by name opeyemi.
I actually wanted to give him a surprise visit that day when I overheard them arguing about something and before I opened the door.
Kevin already threw a tablejug at his friend.
Leaving the young man bleeding seriously.
I couldn't help but screamed a loud because I couldn't behold the horror from that day. I became a bit scared of him.
The other thing I noticed was that he is a very jealous type,
Many times he has asked me to release my password for him to access my phone and facebook account..
He keeps saying he can kill anyone he sees around me.
whenever he's angry he's as dangerous as a beast. but each time he's in a good mood he's an angel in disguise!!!
Can I be able to cope with such a person? Can I handle him if he's angry with me? Will he change after our marriage?
This is the man I would love to spend the rest of my life with.
(I was deep in thought)
Knight! His scream brought me back to reality!!
He was still holding the ring in his hands.
We were sitted at the restaurant tho far from sight.

Will you marry me? He asked again this time around, a bit calm.
Even though I noticed he's about to get angry yet pretended and even faking a smile he's eyes were turning red as though ready to devour me once I have a different response.
Ehhmmm... Kevin!!! Pls give me some time, let me think about this (I was shaking and shievering.) ..... I haven't finished talking when I received a dirty sounding slap on my right cheek
Kevin actually ‘slapped me’
he was furious!
You are a bitch! He rose up to leave he furiously threw a glass of wine on my new dress.

To be continued.......


© God's image