

When You Name Your Fears, It Puts You In Control
When You Name Your Fears, It Puts You In Control

This is such a true statement. We all have fears, we are all afraid of something.
You should start by writing down your fears because when you name your fears it puts you in control of them. It doesn't seem so overwhelming, we can see them one by one and then come up with a plan to deal with them, one by one.

So many people, myself included have been stuck in a place of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of being rejected, fear of not being good enough. Fears we acquired from our childhood that we haven't dealt with. Voices we still hear that say you're not pretty enough, smart enough. You're never going to make it, all the voices that make us doubt ourselves.

I was stuck for 24 years in a verbally abusive marriage because of fear.
I was afraid I couldn't support my girls, and that I would never again have that lifestyle that I dreamed of as a poor girl. That he would do something to me, or take my girls away. My own mother didn't think I could make it without him, so what made me think I could? All these things, all this fear kept me stuck there, miserable.
