

Why you.......... (EPISODE 02)
What are you doing now? Janani asked me, giving me a very intimate look. "I really thought at the time to hit her cheek to going her teeth to stomach.But I didn't do that because I wanted to hear from Rashen himself, why he cheated on me like this. I said, gnashing my teeth as I wiped away the tears.
Suddenly my phone started ringing. It's name appeared to be Rushen. As soon as I saw that name my heart burned even more. "Here he is calling, now what am I do, to answer but I can't say a word to that shit man. I narrowed my eyes and told Janani. "Answer it but talk to him normal without any change.
Then I answered the phone...
"Baby, what are you doing?" " a... I reading a novel, and you." "I'm going to take a bath,soo tired baby". Mmm... why you be tired..". "Why you ask lot of questions from me like this..." Nothing...." "Ok I was so lonely without here your sweet voice.." he started making love buses. "So I am baby...!!! let's go to the beach tomorrow m..." I asked."Sure, let's go my sweet heart' if you say so, I will go to hell...." I get saw afraid after hear his lie words. "Ooh my god, Really!!! I said". "All right baby, bye...." he said.
The phone control ended. Then I took a deep breath... "Janani, I am a little scared."I said...."Don't worry, you can" she said me and her words be a big strength for me..I turned on my phone and check the time. The time appeared to be 5.30 p.m. "Ohh my god too late." I have to go now, my mother will be scared." I said rising my eyebrows and touching my hair. "but can you go alone" Janani asked. Yes, Now I have get used to being alone now." I said with a false smile on my face. "All right, give me a call after you will Go to home." she said looking at me sharply. As soon as we came out the room, and Janani's mother took a cup of tea and brought it towards the room. "Oh daughter is about to leave."she asked from me. " yes aunty.." with a lier smile..." I made this tea for you get this and drink..." she said me with soft words. " a.... sorry aunty it's too late, I have to go."
"it's ok"... "bye aunty, bye janani.." "be careful daughter" auty said."okay aunty...I said. Then I left from the house......

I will give you next episode soon as possible..............