

Some people are gifted,
Some may argue that there are those who are simply not and do not have interest,
Others thrive to be one,
I consider myself to be one of the "others".

It might be a little thing, if not, something forgettable to a typical mundane,
Criticizing "why do you aspire to something that was not even blessed to you in the first place?",
Of course, as someone gullible, it causes me to spiral in my own capability,
"Am I really that helpless? Should I put this completely on halt and not pursue?"

But there's something I remembered,
Why do I let other people interfere with what I truly love?
Since grade school, I have always inclined myself towards literature,
Reading, Writing, Publishing, and was once in this repeated cycle.

Why and when did I stop?
As far as I've collected, I have a journal of my poems and writings.
Ah! I was drowned with pursuing my academics that I threw everything related to what was ingrained in me as a "hobby",
I have my own definition of it:
"Hobby. something to pass the time or a distraction".

I have lost my passion in pursuit of conformity,
I was bombarded with a constant reminder that I should take things more seriously,
I was never encouraged nor complimented on the "something to pass the time" that I did, in contrast with the academic awards that I got,
So, I made my priorities and set "distractions" aside.

But that's what made me feel as if I'm like the others,
Those who thrive to be someone,
A mundane that feels like they don't know their true identity and interest,
Someone who aspires to be one of those who were gifted.

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