

Madness mansion
The old mansion had always been shrouded in mystery and whispered rumors. Its dark, looming form dominated the hillside, casting a pall over the surrounding countryside. But it wasn't until the new family moved in that the true horror of the place was revealed.

They were a happy family, full of life and laughter. But as the days passed, strange things began to happen. Doors slammed shut on their own, objects moved of their own accord, and shadows seemed to creep across the walls. The family tried to ignore the strange occurrences, but it was impossible to deny that something was terribly wrong.

One night, as they sat down to dinner, they heard a faint whispering sound. At first, they thought it was just the wind, but then they realized that the sound was coming from inside the walls. It grew louder and more insistent, until it was impossible to ignore.

Suddenly, the wall in front of them began to crack and crumble, revealing a dark, gaping hole. And from that hole came a horde of writhing, wriggling creatures, their eyes glowing with a malevolent light.

The family screamed and ran, but it was too late. The creatures were upon them, dragging them down into the darkness, never to be seen or heard from again.

And as the sun rose the next morning, the old mansion stood empty and silent once again, waiting for its next unsuspecting victims to arrive.
© c.wright