

Only For Sport: Ep 1
"Go up for it!"

I yelled at my teammates.

Kaeden went up and tapped the ball, tipping it over, throwing the other team off.

We got a point leaving the score 21 to 10.

We're winning, but we should have won awhile ago.

"Kang. You're in."

I nodded and ran in, switching places with back middle.

I took a deep breath in.

'You can do this Sora, win this for your team.'

5 weeks earlier


I heard someone call for me down the hallway of my school.


I asked confused.

"We're in."


"We have a season. A new girl joined!"

'A.. what?'

I thought to myself.

My name is Kang Sora. I'm Korean-American and a Sophomore in highschool. My eyes are narrow but light and my skin is pale with light freckles.

Oh and.. I play volleyball.

Addie is a Freshman and she also plays volleyball with me. She has blonde hair and blue eyes and is one of our team captains. I'm the other.

"Oh.. we do?"

"Yeah. Her name is Kaeden. She's a life saver."

'If by that you mean she doesnt suck then I guess I can deal with her.'

"Ok. Good. Practice starts at 3? Ends at 7?"

I asked.


Addie said with a smile.

"Cool and.. does the new girl know when practice starts?"

Addie shook her head.

"No, but I'm sure you could tell her."

I looked at her confused.

"Why me?"

Addie smiled at me and chuckled a little.

"Well, she is in YOUR class."

My heart just sank.

Great, first she's on my volleyball team and now she's in my class?

I said goodbye to Addie as we parted ways to our classrooms. I sighed as I just wanted the day to be over and for practice to come.

*3:00 p.m. Practice time.*

I didnt see anyone knew in my class except for a few Juniors who needed to learn Spanish 1.

"Ok girls. I'm calling role! Addie?"

"Girl you know I'm here."

She said with a raised brow.

"Right. Dublin?"

"I'm here."

She said and then began to talk to Addie.


"She's going to be a little late."

Addie said.

"Ok. Keely?"

"I'm here! And I'm ready to hit someone in the face with my spikes!"

She said as she ran to grab a ball.

"Great Enthusiasm. Isabella?"

"I'm here."

She said, as she went to her phone.

"And.. Kaeden?"


She said with a straight face. She raised her hand slightly.

"Ok! Let's start with warm ups!"

I said, trying to get everyone into position for the start of practice.

"Look who it is guys."

I heard someone say from the other side of the gym.

See, we have to divide the gym in half for an hour because basketball also has practice and a few of the guy like to make things hard on us.

"What do you want Aiden?"

I asked as I tried to shoo him over to his side.

"Nothing, just wanted to see you guys practice."


Dublin said.

"H-hey! That's not what I meant!"

Aiden said getting embarrassed.

I cant help but smile.


I yelled and then snapped my fingers.

"Change of plans. Quick stretch today. Since we have a new player we need to find out where she belongs on the court."

They all nodded and quickly stretched as the basketball players continued their practice.

"Excuse me?"

Kaeden asked, getting my attention.


"Where is the Coach?"

She asked.

She doesnt know?

"Oh.. we dont have one. Volleyball at Keyword High isnt really funded much so we only have a net and 20 balls and a cart. So Captains take charge which are Addie and myself."

She nodded.

I told everyone to line up on the line.

"So let's get into rotation."

I said.


Amaya yelled as she ran into the gym.

"I knew you would be. We have a newbie so we're showing her our rotation."

I said, as Amaya nodded.

We all got into position.

Amaya:Setter(Right Back)
Keely:Left Hitter
Dublin:Right Hitter
Isabella:Left Back
Addie:Middle Hitter
Me: Libero(Middle Back)

"Hey Kaeden, why don't you serve a ball?"

I asked.

She suddenly smirked at me making me confused, but I just ignored it. She went to the other side and began to bounce the ball to warm up.

She then stared straight at me and yelled,


And with that she jumped serve and did the one thing we've never done.

"She.. she got an ace."

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