

I won't let you take my wind
'How am I supposed to grow, when you won't let me blow?' this funny line of Rachel Green in the web series 'FRIENDS' cracks me still now. They made it for amusement but the message it gave was really worth sharing. So, I thought I must share my thoughts on it.

'Rachel Green' played by Jennifer Aniston in my favorite web series 'Friends' was always very bold but emotional, dumb yet classy and beautiful but funny.

No, it is not about her story. It is about a part of a woman where she thinks she can't be happy when her husband is not happy and satisfied with her.

She always thought that it was her fault that her husband isn't talking to her. It is her fault that her husband is not happy. She kept on cursing herself which eventually led to sadness and depression to her.

When she met her friend and reminded of the passion she had for art, she realised that her husband wasn't the reason for her gloomy days, she was. 

She started doing it slowly and reached to a level where she didn't need anyone to make her happy. She played with colours and jumped around the words. She made a beautiful world for herself.

She was able to talk about her feelings which earlier were dumbed somewhere. She became a happy soul again. Now her husband also listens to her, shares his feelings and thoughts. The happy constructive  environment which she always craved for was created by herself and she didn't even realise.

With this she realised she was enough for herself. She only needed to recognize herself. Her happiness isn't dependent on a person, it matters although but what matters the most is the respect for herself. She is not a puppet to anyone. She might get frustrated but she can never give up.

She means 'self help equipped.'

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© Healing scars