

3:00 AM
Its 3:00 am and I Lie here awake.
I'm too restless to sleep, im afraid it will come to take me back.
Back to that empty void when I first open my eyes.
No doors or windows.
Just an empty shroud of darkness.
Mind wonders and I scratch endlessly at the floor hoping to find just a fleck.
Eyes wondering looking for anything else but black.
Thoughts of what is and what is to be loop through my mind,making me manic.
I know I'm supposed to be here but why?
Why now and why here.
I sit down as I start to calm,knowing efforts are futile.
Startled to hear another's voice.
Ones who's words cut deeper then any knife.
The words hitting me,surrendering me helpless as pieces of me become one with what surrounds me.
I feel a burning in my chest that spreads to my feet,leaving my arms numb.
My mind goes blank as I disappear
and all I can thing of now is

Maybe I'm only here to show you true love,and you to show me selfworth.

© Juliette