


I would like to talk about "life"

when we say life.. it's not only about living, it's about education,occupation,marriage etc etc..

all these concepts through which a person is grown up is entirely different from that of the facts of the society.

morals taught to us and the reality of society literally kills a person from within!!

that is what I am gonna discuss and give my opinion on present society.

To begin with, every person is brought up by teaching morals so that we could adjust in the society. for example: we are taught that we should respect elders. this is a moral aspect. but we are not shown the reality of our society where elders,youngers I.e age doesn't matter but the character does! no elder can be perfect and not every youngster is immature or takes bad decisions.

I myself had gone through this and also a lot of people out there!

they say "knowledge is power"
we are tought to read...so that we could become great in the society. as we finish our studies .. we are forced to work. literally we are forced cause we are been dumped with the thoughts that we need to earn for our family and become rich to fulfill our needs.earninv is considered as a status,goal,etc.. "focus on your career!not on girls / boys" 😂.. then they say.. you need to marry someone and without that your life is waste🙃..
marriage is considered as a must aspect and it is said that love and marriage are Devine,they are purpose of your life and what not! and those who get into these concepts play a background music -" my life has become a dump yard due to love/marriage" they say soul mates which is the most funniest concepts ever!!! they say you both live together forever .. and what you find is widows and widowers.

the reality of society is different and morals are just deviating and poisoning person's mind.

ever person has to be brought up by teaching the realities of the societies but not just telling them unnecessary stories.

some times when I read about this chemical called -"dopmine" I feel like -" what the hell!just because of a damn chemical I am getting a feeling of happiness!"

😂😂😂we feel a little mechanical when we are brought up with morals and realize the truths of society!!

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