

Hotwiring a little magic
Here is a little something that helps me when writers block finds it's way in to my house and is stealing my magic and eating all my ideas....

Sunday was a family person.l, she would rather lounge at her family house and relax. Or you would be able to find her at some type of family function. Occasionally she would be lazy and just stay in bed all day then blame it on Saturday if she missed an important family gathering.

One of her flaws was her anxiety about Monday. She never seems to accept the fact that Monday always comes, like clockwork and it wasn't going to change. If she could accept that then maybe she would be more of a fun day. 😉

Monday had very few friends, some even dreaded her arrival. Kind of sucks if you ask me. Just because I consider Monday to be the beginning of a new week, the day for getting back in focus of your goals. To me, Monday deserves more credit than being unfairly labeled manic. It is not her fault that Friday got wasted, then got Saturday screaming YOLO and expected Sunday to pick up slack, knowing what happens on Saturday's night usually is viral by the time Sunday is up...who just puts it off to wait for Monday to get it done. Now that I think about it, I don't blame Monday for being a little manic.

Tuesday isn't phased by it all, I think he just stays in his lane. He must have some strategy to come and go without much incident. I mean sometimes you don't even realize he was there at all and find yourself waking up to Wednesday, who is the middle child, forever dubbed hump day.

She isn't always treated fairly- not just because she is Wednesday and hard to spell with a nickname hard to understand apparently to some because they use her time to make hump take a different definition, but for the more mature and productive minds wednesday's hump is only a metaphor for how she comes as a message that you have made it half way through another week.

Which is just as well because Thursday doesn't come across so bad, and most times he is the go to for finally seeing results with whatever endeavor you set out to accomplish with Monday.

It does seem to be a bit of an easy day to goof off with, and because he is just naturally more on the neutral side of the week, Friday can be the one who ends up being the last chance to tie up those loose ends, close deals, or cash that check.

She almost is never mad about it though. She's most often upbeat and optimistic while being generally preoccupied with planning her night. Sometimes you might even hear of her finishing Monday's mission at the last minute.

Those are the best time too- Friday cannot resist a chance to celebrate. You could say Friday is the life of the party but if you are not careful she can be a bad influence on Saturday. Often wasting your Saturday before you know it.

None of them are the same, and you can easily predict what to expect because their moods, and how your day turns out heavily depends on what you do with their time. All in all, they are a team, and my whole month counts on them to be there. Without them, could you imagine (just think...) What life would be like?

That is how you hotwire your magic and spark new ideas. Shoo pesky writers block, be gone!
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