

Unpredictable - (38)

''And and then? What are we going to do?'', asked Ava. ''Wait and see, Ava...It's just a beginning of some war and mysteries'', said June. She had made some master plan in her mind. She had confidence on her.

(Time passes to next day)
It was a bright morning and a new beginning in June's life. Nothing seems to be right about the things that she believed or seen through her own eyes. As she learnt a lesson from her last few days that people are not always trustworthy. So, she decided to be and to do something that no one would ever think of. She did all her morning routine and dressed herself for going to the coffee shop to meet an important person.

As she opened the door and she found Alex standing. He looked like he already knew about her going somewhere to meet someone.

She didn't utter a word. The silence was broken as Alex spoke, "Hey! June. Good morning. I.... -". June interrupted and said "Morning Alex, I've some important work to be done, I'm sorry but I have to go".


She walked out after locking the door. But someone called her from behind.
She turned and saw Aiden. "June... I know, I... I'm sorry darling".

She really want to comfort him but she decided to not. Because if he get to know about it, he might loose his control. June thought for a while and she didn't said anything to Aiden. Alex and Aiden was looking at her for a reply but she didn't reply.

Aiden was disappointed. She didn't attend his call and was avoiding him for every now and then. He hated her ignorance.

June went to the coffee shop and was waiting for that one person who is very important

Written by ~@Hazel._.choco2378
Stay Tuned for next coming episode...
