

I Can't Hear You....
You woke up feeling great. Your neighbours’ loud dogs weren’t barking and you don’t hear the kids fighting over toys. You proceed to follow your morning routine as usual and go to work. What do you think happened? Create something extraordinary as a story.

"That is enough of it,"I mumbled to myself as I angrily attacked my neighbor on the left. He was playing loud music with no accountable reason. It wasn't any important day to be celebrated with loud music and it was clocking to 10:00pm but he was playing loud music. But before I knocked at his door, I thought twice and decided not to create any grudge with my neighbors because they would one time be the ones to help me in hard times. So I angrily matched back to my dungeon because it nolonger felt like the sensible house it was. To make matters worse, my neighbor on the left had German Shepherds and they were barking every hour and then. All this caused unbearable chaos in my head . All I wanted was to have some good sleep. I had had a busy day and at this time I was worn out.
But as you too know that sleep knows no man, I don't know how but I ended up dosing in a coach into the sweet sleep I had desired. Am sure one could enter my house and take whatever he wants without me even noticing.
I fell into deeper and deeper darkness only to be woken up by a furious knock at my door. I staggered as if I were drunk only to see a man dressed in a big black coat and having a hut on his head at the entrance. His face was kinda pale but so what, all I wanted to do was sleep. "Who are you?"I asked him. "What do you wish for?"he replied. "Look pal today ain't Halloween am not in moods for jokes, maybe you are at a wrong house,.....blah blah I just want all the noises gone,all the loud neighbors ..that's it nothing more, thanks for asking," I recklessly told him after which I slammed the door infront of his face. "What had I done?"I asked myself as I went back to the door. The old man was still freakingly staring at me through the glass on my door. I just wanted to sleep and that's what I was gonna do. I spent the night very well. I can assure you it was one of the best nights I had ever had. Woke up, brushed my teeth, had breakfast, dressed up and got my bike to head to my work place. Well something was so wierd about the neighborhood today. There was dead silence all the way down to my workplace. To make matters worse, I didn't see anyone in my neighborhood until I reached my workplace where I then saw my fellow workers silentlyly standing in a queue but rather so motionless. It was time I started freaking out as I looked up in the building and the executives of the company were at the windows standing still as if they are waiting for something. They all then started moving about but in a queue still. Looking behind, all the people in my neighborhood were also gathering around my work place but walking as if they were hyptonised yet with no word. All I heard were footsteps. Using my logic, I realised they were engulfing me and I had no where to run to except to say endless prayers. As they approached, my mind reminded me of my birthday which was the same morning. "So today is my birthday...hahaa I now know that this is a surprise,"I laughed as I let them come thinking it is a surprise and yes I was surprised to see a dagger going right throw my chest and another one in my belly and another one in my neck. "What ... What's going on?"I asked as I gulped a mouthful of blood.I fell right to the ground and the pale old man was right above me, with his nose next to mine. "Happy Deathday!"he said to me and upon hearing this, I jumped out of sleep to the barking dogs and loud music. It was just midnight and yes just a bad dream. You see, it's good we learn lessons from our dreams, I saw that wishing bad for my neighbors was bad and it would cause me trouble as well. So me as a good neighbour, I had to give what belongs to Caesar to Caesar...in short, an eye for an eye.
Well it was midnight, another day, an my birthday. I had all reasons to celebrate, so I too brought out my loud speakers. Installed them in every corner of my compound, and then rolled em to maximum volume. And played my music aloud. "hey keep it down,"yelled all my neighbors. With a smile, I replied,"Come-on, speak up I can't hear you....enjoy the new day, woooooo-haaaaa!!!". But honestly, I heard them clearly.