The man who shaked the sphere
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances."
Who do you remember now??
Yeah, that's William Shakespeare, the greatest!!
Shakespeare was the greatest ever playwright, poet, actor. He was best known for writing hugely successful theatre plays.
Shakespeare and we all have a common thing.
Like us, he had been in a pandemic period. During his times, Plague was blasting out in England. He even lost his elder siblings to the dreary Plague. This disease had brought out new stuff from him....
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances."
Who do you remember now??
Yeah, that's William Shakespeare, the greatest!!
Shakespeare was the greatest ever playwright, poet, actor. He was best known for writing hugely successful theatre plays.
Shakespeare and we all have a common thing.
Like us, he had been in a pandemic period. During his times, Plague was blasting out in England. He even lost his elder siblings to the dreary Plague. This disease had brought out new stuff from him....