

LUCK BY CHANCE: Part 3 Y/N Series
10 days later...
Author's P.O.V
You were ready for your flight. You checked all mandatory things required.
Such as your passport, visa, your story and all your other essential things. You said bye to your family members and reached the airport.
P.O.V Ends.
"Finally I reached the airport.", y/n said.
Y/N moved towards her flight. She was remembering that didn't she forget some important thing.
But she didn't noticed that she forgot to take the screenshot of the Q.R code mentioned when she opened the website. She was so excited that she forgot..
Time skipped.......
She reached South Korea after waiting for few hours..
She was about to shout"Yayyyyy!!! I finally reached!!", but you didn't because you were in public.
She reached the hotel, which she booked online.
She reached in hurry and laid on the bed cause she was very tired.
She laid on the bed and then she checked the date of your visit to the publication.

She recognized tomorrow is her visit.

Then she said "O.K I did the preparations earlier like, what to wear, how to talk. So, it is not necessary to do again."

Y/N slept..
Time skipped.....

Y/N woke up early. She did her breakfast and rushed towards the office.

"I think I am on time.", says Y/N casually.
She reached the office. It was very big.
When she tried to enter guards stopped her and said," We can't let you enter, till you don't tell us who you are!"
Y/N told the whole story.
Then the bodyguards asked for the Q.R code
She said,"What! Which Q.R code?"
The bodyguard said,"Yes, you must have been got na!"
Y/N said mumbling"Ahh...I....forgot...mmmmm
-To be continued
-by @M_square
Next part will come after a day
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