

Anuap ,apurava those are how to tell him to tribals we are lovers,but they can understand one little come into their , the boy said to in our language I world like to those pupil.
The boy boy his something tell to us,the boy mother come in the hut, she can call us to eat with me they looked to house ,their seeing to every little thing in house the house was so pretty and so elgant.
Few days those anup apruva they can understand their language speak us,the tribal were fixed to marriage conformation date ,and the pupil were so busyto marriage arrangments
but big shocking to the tribal .
The pupilwere close d the door they can't open the little boy sunddnly open the door and loudly come on in the house those are run into house and close the door .
Anup was asked the women""what hppen ?,why short the door. The tribal rithima was so much crying.

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