

Darkness and Light: A microtale
Darkness walks upto me. 'I wanna see light,' it says. I am lost in thought. How do I reveal light to darkness? We are all aware that darkness disappears whenever light is present. I thence ask darkness, 'why do you hide yourself or disappear every time I bring light close to you? You seem to fade away into nothingness.' Darkness responds with 'hey, I don't hide. Light swallows me whole. Will you ask light the reason?'

I speak to light 'hey buddy, why do you always hog the limelight by erasing darkness? Can't you and darkness coexist? Light replies, 'the fact is that I owe my presence to darkness, to the presence of darkness. Darkness cannot see me because it has to die to birth me. Such is its love for me that it is willing to perish for my presence. I am deeply indebted to darkness. Now, haven't I thrown sufficient light on darkness?' so saying light winks at my apparent darkness.

Darkness smiles and finally sees light.

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