

One night that changed me...
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned to a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. All of a sudden , I felt a hand at my back, I was not willing to turn but somehow gathered guts and turned. I saw a boy of age around 10-12 years. I took a breath before asking something to the boy. We both stared each other and I tried to remember if I had seen him earlier in the hospital but not. I asked him ," hey! who are you ? Do you need something?" The boy after a minute of silence uttered very strange words that shrinked my face ,he said,"stop donating to this hospital." I was fully perplexed that how this boy knows that we (me and my family) donate to this hospital. I asked him ," how did you come to know that we donate here." The boy's tone changed from normal to steep and it was like he's ordering me and said again ," stop that from now." The boy turned back and has hardly moved two or three steps and disappeared as if I blinked my eyes .I got so terrified and ran back to the ward where my father was admitted.I couldn't sleep whole night thinking about who was that boy and why he want that we shouldn't donate here anymore??
In the afternoon next day, I was having a short nap on the couch near my father's bed.On the spur of the moment , my father started breathing so rapidly, I got jittered and ran to the nurse , nurse came in and immediately called the doctor. The doctor said ,"we need to do the operation right now, you go and do all the formalities." I replied,"ok" and went .The operation took 2 hours but remained unsuccessful as doctor came out with a worst news that my father is no more and they could not save him. I felt like that my heart just came out on hearing this, I was left heartbroken. I phoned my sister and told her to convey this news to mom and console her too.
When we had completed the cremation rituals of my father, that night when I was going to sleep ,I again saw something strange outside the window,I rubbed my eyes and saw again there was the same boy under a tree outside . I was so petrified but then I decided to go out and talk to the boy . I went out and stood in front of the boy.The boy uttered in a sombre way ," that is why ,I told you ,not to donate in that hospital. Before your father , I was admitted to the same ward . I was suffering from lung infection like your father .Due to the overdose of anesthesia in operation ,I lost my life but my parents are illiterate village people ,they have been told that their son died because the infection was major ,same happened with your father ,it was again the fault of doctors . The amount you donate to this hospital is not spent on improving the hospital's requirements rather it goes in the pockets of the selfish people who spent it on their high life and lavishness.Donation is good but you should keep enquiring the place of donation for if your donated amount is spent wisely for the good of the people or not. I am not a bad soul that I would harm you or the doctor ,may be I had come with only this much life but my soul keeps hovering in the hospital and when I saw doctors and the staff have been giving special attention to you as you and your family keep donating here then I followed you through the empty corridors to warn you. Now I am leaving and if it is possible for you then bring a good expert doctor in that hospital and keep a check on your donation for where it is invested." I replied to boy ,"thankyou so much for your advice and sorry for my negligence. I could not do anything with the lost lives but will definitely try to improve and cure lives of the ones presently being treated there." The soul left quietly and I came back to my room.
Next day ,I went to the hospital and asked all about the details of the donation that me and my family previously donated there.I found huge lapses and found myself guilty .I contacted to my friend who is an expert pulmonologist and a good Human being .I convinced him for giving at least an hour of free service to the hospital regularly .He accepted my request and later brought other expert doctors of different fields to serve there in the name of 'an hour for humanity'.
One night in my dreams , I saw that boy smiling and saying to me ,"bye friend and disappeared."
Now what I was doing gave me enough satisfaction in comparison to what I used to do earlier.
Moral of the story is :
Your donation should not be a show-off or for fame and reputation but it should be a selfless service to others that brings satisfaction within you.

Thankyou friends for reading...

@Rolly9408 #write #life #lovelylife #writcostorychallenge