

The Cops Travelogue~That car is behind me...
I think perhaps a break was needed.I think I am overworked.Its the first time I am failing in a case in my entire career.Maybe,a break will heal my brain.I thought.I don't know where I went wrong in the case,every clues were absolutely right.Still they managed to state alibi in their defence.

I submitted the long leave letter to the commissioner and moved out of police headquarters.I drove back to my home.On the way,I stopped at the roadside teastall,where I was a frequent visitor.When I was slowly savouring the hot tea,a bunch of travel junkies paused to ask the way to Anangamala.

I gave them the way,they thanked me and rushed to the travel destination.

Anangamala,barely a 20 metres from here.Have heard a lot about it when I was posted here.Even film shooting happen there.Once,Rajiv,my subordinate asked me to pay a visit,he owns a restaurant there.He later became a full time businessman after retiring from force.

So this is the day finally.Its the day to see the scenic beauty of Anangamala.I changed my plans for the day,and out of the sudden intuition,steered my wheels to the wild roads of Anangamala road.
Through the fogs,I saw one headlight beaming consistently at my rear view mirror.


The usual tagline on the mirror,gave me chills for the first time.It became a menacing call rather than cautious warning.

To be continued