

In the wake of recent events, I find myself deeply affected and distressed by the actions of our leaders. The manner in which they have seemingly mocked the struggles of the less fortunate in our society is disheartening, and it has left a profound impact on my sense of justice and compassion.

A society that aspires to be decent and just, a society that aims to be better, a society tired of struggles and pains, is now being mocked and shamed by this set of individuals who have not taken responsibility or done anything to make the society a better place.

When those in positions of power and authority fail to uphold the principles of empathy and equality, It seriously damages the basic trust and connections that hold our society together.

If we believe that all human beings are equal in the eyes of the divine, then it is our duty to ensure that our actions and policies reflect this inherent worth.

In order to rebuild trust and faith in our leadership, we must demand accountability and transparency, and trust me, we need a new government asap.
This set of Individuals on sit right now, are just there to ruin the country, they have no good intention for you and I.

We need leaders who genuinely understand the struggles faced by those less fortunate, who empathize with their circumstances, and who are committed to creating a society where everyone has a fair chance at a better life.

In the pursuit of a better and compassionate society, it is upon all of us to challenge any form of mockery, discrimination, or indifference towards the less fortunate.

This must end.

Thank you.
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