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A very beautiful morning birds are busy with thier cute songs .some are wondering here and there in search of some eatables, that beautiful morning a girl(nuha) walked with her younger brother to the village by enjoying the morning beauty of nature,she was the girl from the poor famly had very big dreams ,which she could not even imagine to bring that to reality.she alwys use to talk herself like a kid .though she was a day dreamer ,she strongly believe that one or the other day it is going to be happen.
once when nuha was 5 yrs old her mom gave birth to a baby girl(noor) later when she was in the age of 6 she used to play and enjoy with her littel sister noor always after living her school she used to spend her most time with her siblings that was her special times ,at that time when she pick her little sister noor from the bed thinking that her little one will be very happy when I hold her gently in my arms .unfortunately the baby noor slips from her hand and fall down roughly to the cement ground at her old house.the baby was unconscious she was like a balloon floating here and there as hand moves ,all weare afraid bcz there was no breath ,her mom screamed and shouted that her baby had met with some accident. gently her father and other took baby noor to hospital but the doctor was hopeless in treating baby noor, doctor.sugested to take the baby immediately to the big hospital as soon as possible ,"because I can sense something wrong in your baby ".!said doctor. all were upset.they took her to the biggest hospital at mysore there they scan the baby because she had vomitting after her accident,from there they came to know that the one year baby noor has brain tumour and that was the reason she felt unconscious as soon she felt down.doctor sugested them for a tumour surgery.but the as we knows noor was the baby from the poor family .with the help of some relatives and friends around the village and town helpd them to prepare for a surgery but that was not enough to make up with surgery.they shifted noor to manipal hospital of Bangalore asked them about surgery even their fee was so expensive a poor Labour can't even imagine that big amount at all.however they tried after working hard for two to five day's her father baught enough money for surgery.after the payment doctor clearly mentioned and ask the most wanted man to sign the condition written in sealed white paper.that papers were about the patient "either she live or die that is not our responsibility "this was in the paper cried and signd and she was first to get surgery as a tumour patient in the age of one .
doctor never gave any kind of hope regarding this surgery .next day they took noor to the theater for her surgery there the miracle happend,with God's grace that was the great success of that poor families life ,and also it was great achievement of doctor swaroop gopal to overcome baby noor to the world again alhamdhulillah she survived .now she is 15 years old .....