

Family Matters (Part Three)
I didn't see Jenna since the day I left the hospital. But a week after leaving,I went to ask the doctor if her and Ellie left with her parents. "Yeah,a few days after you... disappeared. She was upset,but I didn't ask,it wasn't my place." she replied. "It's ok. We ended things,it was best for Ellie. I had to leave. Thanks for keeping an eye on her." "No problem." the doctor said and I walked off. A year went by,and I decided to go live with my parents again. I booked a flight to Wisconsin and flew home. I knocked on the door and my mom opened up. I walked right past her and upstairs to my bedroom. I locked the door and lay down on my bed. I thought about Jenna and Ellie. I missed them both,but I couldn't be in their lives. I was an inconvenience to Jenna. I lay there and cried myself to sleep.

When I woke up,it was after 8 pm. My parents were downstairs watching TV. I walked into the kitchen and looked in the fridge for something to eat and grabbed a slice of pizza from the box. I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch eating my pizza. "Are you gonna tell us why you showed up so unannounced and just walked in?" my mom asked, staring at me. "Great news for you,Jenna and I are done. We have nothing to do with that family anymore,you happy now?" I said and got up to go to my room. I picked up my phone and saw that I had over a thousand texts from Jenna and 70 missed calls. I blocked her and put my phone off before going back to sleep.

17 years passed,and I still missed Jenna and Ellie. I wondered what Ellie looked like after 17 years. During those 17 years,my parents and me grew closer. We put the whole Jenna family situation in the past and lived life normally. But not me. I missed Jenna so much. One day I got a call from my friend back in LA, inviting me to his wedding as his best man. I accepted and a few days later,I flew back to LA. I spend most of the time before the wedding hanging out with old friends. My time in la made me realise that I still love Jenna,even if she hurt me. So I decided to find out where she lived.

When I finally found out where she lived,I borrowed my friend's car and drove to her house. I knocked and a tall guy answered. "Can I help you?" he asked. "Actually,yeah. Is Jenna here?" I asked nervously. "Not at the moment,can I take a message?" "No,it's ok, sorry for wasting your time." I said and started walking back to the car when I heard a girl shout "Who's at the door, dad?" I looked back and saw Ellie,all grown up. I remembered her blue eyes but saw she dyed her brown hair blonde. "Ellie." I whispered. The guy heard and asked how I knew her name,but I didn't answer and ran to the car. I drove back to my friends house and immediately went to the guest bedroom and locked the door.

A week passed,and it was the day of my friends wedding. The ceremony was beautiful,and after the wedding,the groom, groomsmen and best man all went out to celebrate while the bride and her bridesmaids and maid of honour did the same. When it was time for their honeymoon,I booked a hotel for another week. I had to go back and see Jenna. I had to tell her how much I missed her and love her. The day after the newlyweds left,I took his car and drove to Jenna's house again. I knocked on the door and this time Jenna opened. "Matthew."she said and started crying. I hugged her and started crying too. When we calmed down,I took her hand and saw the ring that I gave her when I proposed. I also noticed the new wedding band. "You still have it." I said and she looked down at her hand. "I kept it for you, hoping you'd come back." she said and started crying again. "You didn't wait that long..." I said and looked at her wedding ring. She pulled her hand away and looked down. "I'm sorry,Ellie just needed a father figure in her life-" "Hey. Calm down,it's ok. As long as she was happy. " I said and cupped her cheek. Then we went inside. As we walked past the living room,I noticed her parents,Ellie,another girl around 7 years old staring at me. "Mom,who's that?" Ellie asked. "Don't worry about it now. I'll explain everything later. Mom,Dad,were just going to talk. Jason cannot come upstairs while we're there. " Jenna told her parents and led me upstairs to her bedroom. She shut the door and we started talking about what happened while I was gone.

"Not a day went by that I didn't think of you and Ellie. I missed you two so much." I said and wiped a tear away. "I missed you too. I didn't mean to say what I said. I was just sad and upset. I'm really sorry for hurting you. " she replied and started crying again. I got up and hugged her. We spoke for about half an hour before going back downstairs. The guy known as Jason was there. "Hey, you're the guy from last week. How did you know Jenna and Ellie?" he asked "Don't worry, I'll explain everything. For now can you please take Abby and my mom and dad to the backyard,I need to speak to Ellie. "Jenna replied. Jason was hesitant but took everyone outside. Jenna,Ellie and I sat in the living room.

"So who are you? How do you know my name?" Ellie started bombarding us with questions. Then it hit her. "You look alot like me. Wait...Dad? My real dad?" she asked,on the verge of tears. "Yeah. My Ellie." I said and cried. "Dad!" she shouted and jumped to hug me, crying with me. I hugged her back before I heard Jenna crying. I stopped hugging Ellie and pulled Jenna in for a hug. "Why didn't you tell me,Mom?" Ellie asked. "I couldn't. I was with your stepdad and I didn't wanna bring it up. He" she said pointing to me "was supposed to be in the past." Jenna replied. "But now that we know about him,we can be a family again,right?" Ellie said. "Unfortunately not. Your mom is married to Jason. He's technically your father now. And your grandparents hate me,so there's no way we could be a family again." I said, sadness overtaking me. "You know,just because I married someone else doesn't mean I love him the way I love you. I loved you from the moment I laid my eyes on you,and I never stopped. I waited 17 years for you to come back to me, because I loved you. I married someone else thinking I could get over you,but I couldn't. Everytime he kissed me,it wasn't the same, because it wasn't you. I love you so much,and I'm so sorry for hurting you. I don't care if I lose my parents again, because I have you. You're all I needed,all I wanted. Please come back to me." Jenna said and started crying again. All I could do was kiss her,so I did.

"Does this mean you guys are back together now? Can we be a family again?" Ellie asked,hopeful. "It's up to you." Jenna said to me. "I waited 17 years for this." I said and kissed Jenna again. "Yes!" Ellie shouted and ran upstairs. "Where are you going?" I asked. "I'm packing mine and mom's bags. We're leaving. " Ellie shouted from upstairs. " To go where?" Jenna asked. "I don't know! Maybe we can go to grandma and grandpa! I'll finally get to meet them. "Ellie replied and continued packing. I laughed but noticed Jenna's worried expression. "Hey,don't worry about what happened back then. They'll see you differently now that Ellie's in the picture." I told her, reading her mind. "I hope." Jenna said and leaned against me. I kissed her forehead before we turned towards each other and started making out. Just then, Jason walked in.

"What the-" he said and grabbed me by the collar."Who are you and what are you doing here?" he asked angrily. Ellie heard the commotion and came downstairs. "He's my dad. My real dad and he's taking me home. Mom too." she said and pushed Jason away, standing in front of me. "What the heck,Jenna,is this true?" Jason asked. "Yeah. You know Ellie isn't your child. We're going back to Wisconsin and not coming back. The divorce papers will be ready by tomorrow,you get full custody of Abby." she replied. "What the heck? You're joking?"her father asked. "No I'm not. You can disown me,I don't care. I have my family right here." Jenna said before running upstairs and getting her suitcase. Ellie ran after her and got her suitcase too. The three of us got into my friend's car and drove back to the hotel I was staying at. We booked tickets online and the next day we flew back to Wisconsin.

We ordered a cab to take us to my parents house. Ellie was really excited to meet her other grandparents. She kept asking questions about them and what they were like,how old they were and other things. "Calm down Ellie. You're gonna be tired when we get there if you stay this excited." I said and laughed. "Sorry dad,I'm just really happy we're a family again." she replied and hugged me and Jenna. She calmed down and was listening to music. I noticed Jenna was nervous so I tried to calm her down. "Hey. It's ok. They've changed. So don't worry about it ok?" I reassured her. "Okay." she replied and kissed me. She lay her head on my chest and fell asleep. Half an hour later,we were finally home. Ellie ran up to the door,more excited than before. I woke Jenna up and she helped me with the bags. Ellie knocked and my mom opened. "Hi Grandma!" she said and hugged her. My mom looked at me confused. "Is this really her?" she whispered. I nodded and laughed at their weird interaction. Then my dad came to the door to see who it was. "Who's at the door,honey?" he asked my mom before he saw us. "Hi Grandpa!" Ellie said and went to hug him. "Umm hi." he said and hugged her awkwardly. "Mom,Dad,that's Ellie. Your granddaughter." I said. "Is it really you? I last saw you as a baby." my mom said and properly hugged Ellie. Then she noticed Jenna standing behind me shyly,her head down. "Hi honey." my mom said to her. Jenna looked up suprised and greeted back. "We'll come on in you guys,we have alot to catch up on. "Head on in,I'll get the bags and take them upstairs."I said to Jenna and gently nudged her. She walked slowly and hesitantly,but my mom made her feel welcome. "I'm really sorry about all those things I said about you all those years ago. Matthew was right,I shouldn't have let past situations affect the future. But you're family now, you'll never feel that way again." my mom reassured Jenna. "Thanks Ms Williams." Jenna said and smiled. She looked back at me as I came down the stairs. I overheard some of what my mom said and knew she was smiling because of that. "Told you they changed." I whispered and kissed her.

Jenna and I sat together on the couch, watching Ellie tell my mom and dad about her birthday parties,her school events and showing them pictures and videos of her life as she grew up. I smiled, knowing my life was complete. I had everything I needed;a loving family,my beautiful daughter,and the love of my life. A month later,I proposed to Jenna again with the original ring I had used. We flew back to LA to surprise the doctor. "No way. Is it really you,Ellie? You've grown so much!" she said when she saw us entering the hospital. "Why are you guys here?You aren't pregnant again,right?" she asked confused. "No,we just want to re-invite you to our wedding. This time were actually getting married." I replied. "Of course I'll be there." she said smiling. "Wait,what do you mean 're-invite',and how does she know me?" Ellie asked. "I was the doctor that helped your mom and dad 17 years ago when you were born. They invited me to their wedding but it was cancelled due to family problems. But I see you guys are back together and the wedding is back on. " the doctor explained. "Ohhhh okay." Ellie said.

Three weeks later,Jenna and I got married. As promised,the doctor came. My new life started from that moment. I married the love of my life, I had a beautiful daughter and a loving family. Everything was perfect.