

Warriors Journey•Rise of the Demon part 13
chapter 13- The End of beginnings

He lied lifeless under the covers of his bed. King Polo had grown too old, his time was ending. Ben instantly knew he was passing and he needed to say goodbye, whether he wanted to or not.

The man to comfort the king was Dr. Gemm. He sat at the foot of the bed.

" Polo, I-I can't let you go. Not yet, I have so much to learn. And the peace you promised, it isn't here", Ben spoke, knelt on the side of his bed. Tears built up in his eyes.

" Ben…", Polo spoke with age deep in his throat."I'm sorry I caused this mess, but if the events that I took part in never happened…neither would you. You wouldn't have had the adventure, the feelings, the emotions. No life and no friends. Let me ask you a question", Polo cleared his throat as a single tear fell down his furry cheek." Are you truly unhappy with the life you've built in the last few months?"

Ben paused as he stared into Polo's black eyes."No…I was never unhappy. I enjoyed every single second ", Ben said with a slight smile. His eyes unloaded the tears. Snot leaked as he whipped it away." You can't go yet. I have too much to learn", Ben cried.

" Ben", Polo placed his hand on his shoulder." No matter how old you get, you will always be learning. It's just that now…you won't have me". Ben grabbed Polo's hand in both palms. He placed his head on Polos." I never read the Laws of Nature. It was my first goal and it never happened. I feel so ashamed", Ben said under the gurgle of his own snot.

" Ben no…You cant feel ashamed for not completing something you said you would. The only thing you can do is push it off for a time your ready for it". Ben let go of his hand and whipped over the expressions of sadness.

" Kenshi. Come here", Polo whispered. Kenshi, teary filled, knelt down on the side of the bed." Yes, father?" Kenshi said as strong as iron. His father was dying and he didn't want to show the sadness he was going through.

"You have potential and power. Don't be arrogant about it. Use it for the good of others. That's my last wish to you, son", Polo told his son. Kenshi nodded his eye and stood up.

" Wolf Arashi. Watch over these two and maybe even grow some courage". Wolf nodded with a sad smile." Ben…find my Crown of Kings. I leave it to you. Same with my staff". Silence overtook the darkroom. A minute of pure silence and sobs filled the room. With Polo's hand in Bens, he felt his pulse stop. He was gone and the energy that he gave off, disappeared.

Rage filled Kenshi and Ben, simultaneously. They yelled at the roof, while tears ran down their cheeks. Big Blue rubbed his head against Ben's head.

Suddenly, he started to float. Ben's green eyes turned completely white and gold energy surrounded him." My father will die tonight, for the only man who understood". His voice echoed like a god. His hair floated as if in water. He radiated magic that he didn't understand. Ben flew out of the room and into the air. He looked down on the Island as he waited. He waited for the dark and evil one to rise. It was inevitable.

A burst of bright red light filled the night sky. It was his father and death filled Ben's mind. The cloudy red mist that was the devilish beast called the Demon Dragon, filled the night sky. He was all around him. Ben unsheathed his sword and slashed the red mist three times. Suddenly the red mist exploded into nothing. The evil that built up over three thousand years instantly disappeared. Could it have been that easy? Was the evil of the world gone? Ben floated back down. How did he fly? How did he know it was his father?

Ben didn't sleep. He sat on the dock and watched the stars disappear. He missed Polo. He missed not knowing what was happening around him. He jumped up from his spot on the dock and walked towards the pull. He hadn't felt it since Marrow. The pull tugged him to tree he had never seen before. It was gold with bright green leafs. A piece was missing from the center. He had gone to Kenshi's tent to be reunited with the Laws of Nature, previously. He sat down under the shade of the tree and read the book that brought him here in the first place.

" For 10,000 years I've worked on the creation of a philosophy that's would combine the cultures of the world …this is my effort".

He finished the book in a few hours. That's when it revealed itself. A crown made of the tree he sat under floated from beneath him, onto his head. He felt the spirits of the former rulers' flow throw his being. He was the king, he was the balance between good and evil. And everything he questioned was thrown into the light. He could see every soul's essence. He could see magic and dragons. He saw the world from space and he could see the energies that made it. Is this how the rulers saw the world? Yes. He was finally answered. He questions got answers and it was the best feeling he got have right now.

He went back to Kings Castle to tell his friends and Gemm.

" Ben, do you understand that now you have responsibility. Before it was the universe, now it's the world". Ben thought for a moment about Kenshi's words.

He took off the wood crown. And held it out with both hands." Your goal was to be King. Take it".

He could see the conflict in his eyes." Parts of me want that crown on my head, but as I've seen your tears fall and your anger yelled out into the world. I know that you are the king. You are my king". Kenshi takes the crown from Ben and places it on his head without hesitation. " I will help you with everything you don't understand. That way we both grow".

A smile grew across both of there faces.

" Let's throw a party for my father. Our father ", Kenshi corrected himself.

They placed the black and white fury King on his ship. It felt like so long ago that they retrieved it as his first mission. They sent the ship off and with a single flame lit arrow, the ship caught on fire and his ashes were spread among the sea.

"This will be our last moment of peace Ben. You do know this right?" Arashi said, putting down his bow.

Ben nodded as he stared at the flame. The Demon dragon went down to easy. It was unsettling. Unnerving.