

I got all these people around me yet i feel even more alone than ever
Am done looking for love just want to have less pain
Less tears in my eyes
Inexperienced, heartless, but even so,
Be beautiful
No destiny, unworthy.... Same lies in, different person
Always running from a past
I try so desperately to hide
Am tired of blaming the world
Now am blaming my self and just move on
And let go
And even thou u might die tomorrow I still feel a bit of love in me
Warm touch of hope
Bright glow of faith
And love so deep
And I thank you for that
Has walk away it all
To be truly alone
Is all life want me to be
Take my hand
Let's us create our own world
Of pain into something so powerful yet so calm
So magnificent but so simple
So incredibly strong but also so fragile
Let us be one
And we shall be together forever and ever