

Tech spotlight
“If you are on Social Media and you are not learning, not laughing, not being inspired or not networking, you are using it wrong!”
The above quote reflects the deep meaning of the word "CYBERCRIME." During the pandemic we all have developed great computer skills and of course instead of going to school or college we have attended virtual or online classes each day. Everything seems like so happy on these virtual platforms, but deep below there are huge crimes going on !!These monitor 📱screen holds pros of cons of using the online apps and non-secure websites for improper uses. If one is well educated about the proper usage of the internet applications , they would know the consequences of the mistreat involved and how to overcome them...

Thus, Digital Citizenship and Online Safety are two sides of the same coin. We also know that safety is the first step to use internet and ensure that our systems aren't hacked. Now when we come to hacking ,there is a great difference between hacking and coding nowadays many of us have learnt coding as part of white hat hackers. Our skills should benefit us not put us into deep consequences. The most common internet problems are DEPRESSION and RISKING LIFE for silly Instagram or Facebook photos! You must have heard that a person standing on the edge of the top floor of building falls down and loses life for a picture that gets higher likes and comments, isn't this silly!!

Not that you are off-track with social media but everything is better in limits. We aren't discouraging you to walk with tech development but maintain the proper safety. Try not to get addicted to social media but use it wisely!

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