

The boy who slept for years.
Today was like any other day. Today was just another cross on the calendar, another month that goes by without even realizing. But, not for him. Because, he promised that he'd be better today, he promised that he'd try. And, so, got up feeling renewed, like a battery had been charged overnight, and he was ready to show it to the world.

He knew that he had to be a better person, had, infact, spent so many years building himself up for being honest, and kind, and fair. But, just at his twenty, he understood that being good, being "better", didn't always equate to being a good person.

The world was full of horrible monsters that call themselves human, and he didn't want to be a human or to be seen as one. So, he went to sleep, in hopes that when he woke up next year, people became less cruel, more pure at heart and he, himself, more than a mere coward that didn't believe to know the taste of goodness.
© Wanheda