

Smoke & Mirrors: Chapter 2
He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.
~ George Eliot

“Verìon Gray…” I sneered as he moved in closer. “I don’t recall us being on good enough terms for you to off my bar tab. Or buy me a drink...”
“Ah, what’s a little money and a few drinks between old friends…”
Only someone as well known to be from old money as he would say something like that. “Heh, old friends, yeah right… Now, I’ll ask you again, Gray! What. Do. You. Want!”
“You know what I want, Toshi…” The werewolf crooned, grabbing my chin, and forcing me to look at him. “Or haven’t I been clear enough on the subject already?”
Hell, I want to kill this man! “Really?” I asked, grabbing ahold of his wrist with almost enough force to break it. “Cause, I think I’ve been clear enough for the both of us…”
The man grinned and allowed me to remove his hand, holding them up in a gesture of mock surrender. Oh yeah, Verìon Gray was from old money, alright… And because of that, the playboy thought he could get anything he wanted, and that includes me. The scary thing was, this guy wasn’t playing with me! As a pureblood werewolf, it was one thing to play around with the females of other races, but eventually, he’d settle down and find a more suitable mate… Say an equally rich and pureblooded female werewolf, for instance? Not wasting his time chasing after a female- whatever I am! (Wolves mate for life, you know?)
“Why not?” Gray grinned down at me, his hand slowly trailing across my shoulders and down my arm. “Just give it a try… We could be good together…”
“Damn, how many times do I have to tell you, no!” I snapped, swatting him away. “I’m not interested in wolves, Gray! Now, go chase a squirrel or something…”
“Ha, Ha… You’re funny, princess.” The werewolf grimaced, signaling to Sean. “But don’t think cute remarks like that are gonna get you off the hook for long…”
“Oh, what’s this now?” I asked grabbing the glass as Sean handed it to me. I took a sip and grinned at him. “Heh… Don’t tell me I’ve injured your pride?”
“Ha! Not likely, princess, there’s pride enough in me to not to give up a chase like this so easily… and I do so love a chase!” He waved a hand at Sean, who took the wolf’s pompous attitude with a grain of salt and an eye-roll. (Mostly because Gray had been trying to buy the bar off of him for months.) “Hey, Sean! A red Batavian, 1884!”
“Yea, yea, lad… I’ll get ye yer fancy shmancy wine…” Sean muttered, stepping away from the bar. “Lycanthropes, ach!”
I laughed under my breath as watched the bartender shake his head as he made his way to the ancient cellar in the back. “So, now that we’ve breached the subject on what we both want… Get lost, Gray!”
The werewolf chuckled as he once again leaned in towards me. “Oh no… I think I’ll enjoy the pleasure of your company for just a bit longer…”
Now, it was my turned to grimace, as I leaned away from him. Honestly, if this keeps up, the patrons would be betting on another bar fight- soon… But that would mean that I’d have to leave the bar, and I haven’t finished my booze yet!
“Ugh, fine!” I snarled, giving in for a change. “Just stop leaning towards me! Your breath smells like rotten meat!”
The werewolf backed off and did a quick breath-check, before glowering at me resentfully out of narrowed eyes. He accepted the glass of wine as Sean passed it to him, never taking his eyes off me. “So, what is it you don’t like about me anyway, Toshi? Is it really the wolf? Or am I too human for you? ‘Cause from what I hear, you really hate ‘em.”
I laughed at the insinuation so hard, I almost spit my booze down the front of his shirt. “Hate humans? You’re not serious, right?”
“Well, some would say that given your history with them, you do.” He grinned at me, stirring around a glass of some of the old and expensive wine vintage he always loves. I don’t get it… Why pay so much money for hundred year old fermented grape juice?
“And I hope you’re not one of ‘em…” I took a sip of my drink before setting it on the bar. “Look, I don’t like, or hate the little buggers, they’re just good for a few laughs, if ya know what I mean…”
“Oh, I know what you mean…” He snickered, taking a sip from his glass. “I can still smell their blood on you.”
For some reason, I found myself somewhat insulted by that… I mean, come on! It’s not like I go out killing people on a nightly basis! That’d be too boring…
I lean forward, resting my head on my hand as I glared at him. I knew he was just trying to keep the conversation going, but I just couldn’t force myself to stop. Besides, with the current level of my irritation rising with every second, I was about to either lose it on the damn werewolf, or get lost anyway.
“Oh please… It’s not like I killed those jackasses.” I said, rolling my eyes. “They’ll just be lucky if they make it out of the hospital in a few weeks…”
“I see…” He laughed, looking down at me through speculative eyes. “So, the big, bad Toshi is a softie inside after all…” He laughed again, taking drinking from his glass. “Typical of a woman-”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that…” I interrupted him, giving him my most brilliant smile.
The werewolf was so stunned he never saw the kick coming, until it was too late. A sharp kick to the sternum with my heeled boot was enough to send the guy flying into the wall, above a booth where two wraiths were having a more or less romantic dinner. At least until an unconscious werewolf landed on their table…
I then downed my drink before passing by the bookie’s table to collect my cash, and making a quick exit out the front. I’m normally not one to drink and run, but better to do that than let Sean catch me! Not only would I have to listen to the long lecture I knew was coming, but then I’d be outta booze too! And that… Well, that just sounded like one hell of a boring night to me…
© Britt Clark