

Zodiacs at the hell
All the zodiacs end up in the hell. The hell was hot and burning, and all the Zodiacs were together, fatigued and confused.
Aries left the group and went further to explore hell and find the way out. Taurus was very angry because she/he was feeling hungry and had been very nice on earth to be in hell. They don't belong here. Gemini was looking for some cool spots to relax and was talking to every other being in hell and trying to get familiar with everyone. Cancer was crying because they hadn't come out of the trauma of leaving their loved ones, and hell looked so disturbing to them. Leo was worried about their looks and especially their hair. They intentionally started meeting devils there to seduce them with their looks and beauty, to make some fans in hell, and their fearlessness was already intimidating the little devils. Virgo has found a secret passage, crawling to accomplish its mission to find a way out of hell and to bluff the gatekeeper of hell. Libra has already accepted its fate and befriended the account holder of hell and is now looking after the balance of hell, earth, and heaven.
Scorpio felt like it was another home and appreciated the torments given to the guilty prisoners of hell. Sagittarius has traveled the whole hell in such a short time and is still craving some adventure to satisfy their wanderlust. Sagittarius's energy is getting fueled by hell. Capricorn isn't satisfied with why he is in hell and doesn't like the administration of hell as it thinks the devils are very slackers in their jobs.
Aquarius has already gathered all the equipment to make an AC in hell. Pisces couldn't accept its fate in hell and was shocked so much that it got insane and pretended that it was not hell and started believing it was heaven...
© Shaesta