

1) what are some random fun facts about you?
• Sitting in a weird position when no one is around.
• biting nails
• chewing bubble gum more than 4 hours
• being awake till midnight 2:00 a.m like an owl.
• hating if it is neither so hot nor so cold.

2) what something you want to learn or wish you were better at?
Learning many languages like Chinese, Korean, Japanese... (Drama lover)

3) what really makes you angry?
When my mom constantly shouts me to do something that I'm lazy of..
(one day my mom kept shouting at me while online class... I didn't notice my mic was onn and shouted back "can you shut up mom?" My teacher heard that and gave a lot of advice.. it was a great embrassment Infront of my classmates.)

4) what makes you laugh the most?
Serious things... (Like my mom and grandpa fight for silly things)

5) what do you think are the five most beautiful things in world?
This whole world is a miracle...
Flowers, butterflies, nature, sky, underwater world.. etc.,
(Meanwhile most dangerous one : human)

6) free time. What do you do in your free time?
Scroll YouTube, read writco stories that I like the most, watch dramas etc.,

7) what is the most difficult "goodbye" in your life?
When my dad goes out in the rain for earning money for us..😭 it shows how he struggles for us... Today Sunday.. he went to business in this rainy cold time... He returns today night by bus... It makes me hardly cry each time...

8) have you ever wanted to die?
Yeah many times... (When my mom teams up with my brother when dad is out... But I laugh thinking about it now)

9) how would you react if I deactivate my account tomorrow?
Wait? What? No more challenges? Pls don't.. keep going... You are one of the writco celebrity...

10) Is there anything that scares you?
yeah.. whenever I Google my symptoms...😂

[Extra question]
If you make a challenge, how would you decide who is winner?
There are no great people in the world. Only great challenges which people meet every day... The one who accepts the challenge will overcome it by ultimate honesty and in a straight route and not short cut..
The people who did the challenge with their honesty and go by a straight route deserve winning...


follow me @story2006