

Finding My Path
When I was growing up I had a lot of different interests. There was song writing, poetry, singing, drawing, dancing and many others. My 30's became the time of figuring out what I want out of life for myself. I never thought I'd decide on a small business path.

I figured out I wanted to own my own small business a few years back. I was really into hoop dancing then. I have tried so many jobs in my life. What I really wanted was my own career. So as I progressed in my new talent, I landed a good job teaching my own hoop class for a gym. That didn't last due to the Coronavirus. Now, I try and find a new job.

With no such luck and failed interviews, I am without money and stressed about how I will pull my own weight. I still have that lingering thought to have my own business. The problem with this is figuring out what kind. What kind of small business can withstand this economy? Or any economy when this whole mess?

I have many things I am good at. Even though I am very distant with people, I still like to be a helping hand. My new decision as of now is getting a business together. However, what should be my niche? A bookstore? A dance studio? A bakery? A horror fan store? A writing business? A bat sanctuary? What can I do that will connect with people? I suck at normal jobs. I hate it. I never wanted a normal 9-5 job working for people who won't even remember me when I resign.

I want something more than that. I want to live my dreams and not work for other's dreams. I know that sounds bad. I know all of this sounds bad. My new path is to show others what I know. What I can offer in my own way. I don't want to work somewhere that gives me no passion. Working for myself as a small business owner will give me passion. Right now, is just about getting there.
© The Writings of Jeanne Carlson

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