

The Art Of Words Play
Ya know they say love is a force and I understand why cause it pull ya like a gravity, When I first saw ya it hit me so hard, i felt it right in my cavity.. now they called me Bruno but I ain't no martian but lemme tell ya one thing that I studied black hole and u sink me deep in which caused me an concussion. Now Let's take it back, yes I'm kinda low in my bars but I do sure know how to shoot, Sikes! I hit a dunk righht through the stars. now I dunno if I said this before but when I say I would cross and ocean just to see ya smile, I mean it, cause trust me i would even walk for you a thousand miles - Now a lot of em would promise ya with this and that but I ain't got none what ya wish for.. And it's a fact that I ain't got nothing but a gift to preach y'all. But listen, they say I am mughal - Emperor Of my own King - Dom of an empire! Now I know that's some word play right there.. Ya impressed? Leme hit these words like canelo Saul alvarez, my words can be brutal like covid19 so be careful it spreads like a viruzz... My rhymes so finest that one day ill make u my highness.. Damn! I mean look at these words I hit it like a musical cords every words is so magical like snow white and the 7 dwarfs, Every single piece of my work is so high cause i lit it like a blunt - I go for Vagular nerve.. I drank a bottle of ya love like a hennesy, that was the only way of my remedy, Man i feel insanity, mentality, Calamity, Humility, using profanity, i don't do vanity, looking at reality realizing my clarity , disparity : man I should run for president cause I feel like I'm John F Kennedy.
Now I'm sorry I ain't no perfect for ya, all I have is this gift and I don't even know if it's cursed? Cause I use it Gosh damn so fast like Ryan Gar-see ya.... Trust me girl, I eat everything like my last supper, I drink hot and cold but I'm always on my sober, yes my character is complex so called Whimsey, I don't use brush but I do sure can paint with my pen just like Leonardo da Vinci.
Damn! I se ya as wonder of the world, it sparkles it for me cause u like a Great Sphinx of Giza, we should hold on and visit this place called Ebiza and have a slice of cheese pizza - but then I realized we have an issue with our visa??nevermind, when I walk this lonely lane - join me and we shall paint this world just like the great mona lisa - it reminds me of you since u were made so perfect cause girl u drives me crazy ; the only time I lost was against foreign and I called that battle of pleassy, Embrace me - Girl, you make my heart move and brain stops you take away all my pain just like an Anesthesia...
© Alen Yimchunger