

My Blackness is my Blackness
Not even your jealousy of my beauty will not stop me. My steps have been established and my bloodline is secured.

Days gone by are days to remember. I will always come and I will always walk without the change of my skin color. I won't stop being black, beautiful and wiser me.

My blackness is my blackness. I'm proud to wear every shade upon my body. One shade represents the hardship and the other have me standing strong because of it.

I'm not ashamed to be an older version of my blackness and at the same time I am proud of the black, beautiful and powerful woman I have become.

No stones were left unturned. Born to be African and Polynesian with no choice of my own - with the greatness of my blackness which shined everyday of my life - simply because of their hatred for my skin color.

It's because of their hatred of my blackness that causes me to shine even brighter. They see my skin color, as a threat and not as a family member where the truth lays in our DNA that say, that we are.

Borne of our blackness
to live of our blackness
and will die with our black skin.
We were born with black power
and will die more powerful
simply because our black skinned power
that they hate so much.

© V's Says