

the unknown creatures
Hearts of light
chapter 4
feel free with me okay?? Am Reed's friend " he smiled and wanted to touch my hair,, he immediately stopped

" Am sorry,, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings " he said and I nodded

" It's fine " I managed to smile
" I will be going now,, it's already late " He said

" Okay bye " he smiled making my hair fly again

I only laughed watching the hair,, he ran off and as soon as he's gone. My hair came down,,,,

I walked into the room,, Linda and Lily were awake. Waiting for me I guess,, I smiled and sat down on my own bed making sure there is no contact.

" Is he really your boyfriend?? " Lily asked

" Why do you look so concerned about it? " I smirked.

" Because,,,, he's just too cute. I've been having my eyes on Gavin,, but now,,, your boyfriend came and,,,, "

" Okay,,, he's my brother " I said
" Really!!!!!! " she shouted and started jumping around the room

" Are you crazy?? You should know he's mine " Linda said

" Just keep quiet,, "

" Guys stop!! Don't fight on my brother,,,, who knows maybe you are his type " I muttered and laid on the bed

" I am definitely his type,, " Lily smiled while Linda and I continue laughing

" I think it's love at first sight " Linda said
" That's it "

" Damn,, I haven't done my assignment " Lily suddenly rushed to her backpack,,

" Don't you dare ask me for help, do you get that " Linda said and closed her eyes

" Sis,, please, just this once. I can't possibly crack my brain tonight,, it's filled up already " Lily pouted in a way that I could not control my laughter

" It's filled up with Reed right?? " Linda snapped

" Please,,, just this once " Lily pleaded again

" Fine,, just this once " Something shone on her eyes and the blank space became filled.
The assignment was done already,, I really admire this type of power.

" I think I will be needing this more recently,, I hate maths. So you can be of help " I winked

" In your dreams " she muttered
" Too selfish " I said and closed my eyes
" Please wake up earlier tomorrow because we won't be able to wake you,,, I can't touch you " LilyRiley ?

" What do you mean by there are some people with dark power?? " I asked curiously as they all talk

" You will understand soon,, but these dark people are dangerous and if we are not careful,, they can make us become part of them " Angelica said making me scared

" How? " I asked

" When they are able to connect with your thought,, then the person is gone already " Joyce answered

I sighed out loud,, I hope they won't appear anytime soon.

" Come on Riley, don't be scared " Mira said and touched my hair,, I nodded and closed my eyes

........ NEXT MORNING......

After taking my bath,, though I was the last person. I rub my lotion and put on a black short gown and a white snickers,, I packed my hair in a ponytail and smiled at myself in the mirror.

" You're so pretty,, am jealous " Joyce said and I smiled lightly

" Yeah she is,, but Rainey is a little prettier. I really admire her beauty and yours too, but it's sad no one can touch her " Angelica said and I scoff

Rainey, prettier than me??

" Yes,, you are right " Mira replied

" Let's leave am done " I said and carried the small bag walking out of the room

" Hey wait up! " they shouted running after me

We all continue walking,,, my eye caught with some group of boys chatting and laughing. Reed was among,, and then the one next to him,, what the h**k??

" Hey girls,, who is that guy over there? " I pointed

" Oh,, the one with the blonde hair?? " Mira asked and I nodded

" Gavin, why are you asking? "

" Omg,, he's so handsome!!! " I screamed and continue starring at him

" Well, I guess he's handsome. But to me,, Reed is more handsome, " Angelica said

" No Gavin is more handsome " Mira replied

" No, I agree with Angelica, Reed is more handsome " Joyce said and they keep on with the argument

" Guys stop,, the two are handsome but I can't possibly admire Reed okay? " I said and watched as the guy smiled

" Why can't you admire Reed?? "

" He's my brother,, don't you get?? " I snapped

" Omg!!! Reed is your brother?? Can you please introduce me to him??!!!! " Angelica shouted and grab my hand

" Are you crazy?? Why will she do that?? " Mira rolled her eyes

" No,, I will do it. I think that's an opportunity for me to talk with Mr Handsome " I smirked

" I love your Brain " Joyce smiled
I nodded and we started walking toward them

" Hey brother " I smiled and hit him playfully

" Hey Riley,, is this a miracle?? " He smirked

" Sort of " I smiled, sweetly

" Who is this Angel?" One of the boys asked

" Use your brain Janie,, she's Reed sister " Gavin said and I smiled

" Hi,, am Riley. Reed's elder sister " I said bringing my hand for a shake
" What?? Elder sister my foot " Reed yelled
I chuckled

" Am Janie,and you're so beautiful " the first one said

" Rafael " The second one smiled and I nodded,I noticed he held my hand a little longer and then released it..but wow they are all handsome though.

" Am Handy,, Gavin elder brother " he smiled
" What?? He's your brother?? " I asked turning to The cute Gavin

" Elder brother in stupidity, am just a young person with brain " he smirked causing everyone to laugh
Handy faced Gavin angrily
" You won " he said and laughed
" I told you " He smirked and I nodded

" Hey Riley,, have you seen Rainey?? I somehow missed her " Reed said and I scoff
" You know the way to her room right?? " I said
" Block head " He whispered
" She's here " Handy said and we all turned our faces to the back.

She was with her two friends which I guess are twins,,, she was some distant away from them.

She wear a hood covering every part or her body and then a trouser,,,, with a hand glove. Her long hair flying as she walk,, why is she pretty even with the baggy clothes?? I suddenly felt jealous,,

" Wow she's so hot " Janie said

" Don't you dare crush on her,, do you get that " Reed said

" oh I won't though,I like Riley here" Janie said which caused me to blush and Reed punched him on his hand

" You're not gonna date her right?? Idiot " Handy said

" am getting back to you " Reed scoff

" Hey Rainey " Reed ran to her and hugged her
I faced Gavin,, he was starring st them.

" Guys let's leave " I said

" Hey sis " Rainey waved and I waved back at her

" Don't you think that's too far for the greetings? " Mira asked

" Don't wanna talk " I snapped and we All went into the class on silence.

Soon everyone got settled,, I was so lost on starring at Gavin,, how can someone be as cute as this??

but then I noticed someone staring at me and it's Rafael. but why? I hope it's not what I'm thinking.

💎 Rainey 💎

After the chemistry class, we all walked out of the class. I should confess, I really enjoy this school more than the previous one. Just that am no more the same person again,,, I sighed until I felt a Hand on my shoulder. I looked back and smiled.

" Hey " I said
" Do you have any idea where we are going? " Reed asked and I chuckled
" General class " Lilly replied,, Linda is an art student so she's probably in Riley's class. And talking about Riley,, I think something is wrong with her because she changed a lot, maybe I should ask Reed after school.

" What's general class? " Reed asked
" You're going to be taught about your powers and how to control them " She replied
" Sounds like fun " Reed smiled and touched my hair
" Hey leave my hair,,, stop flirting with me and get a girlfriend okay? " I snapped

" you just broke my heart " he said holding his chest
" Well,, I think Rainey is right,, I almost thought you're her boyfriend " Lily said and I laughed inwardly.
Just tell him you are crushing on him already,,

" Hmm" I said clearing my throat
" Really?? She's my only girlfriend,,, " Reed said pushing my head
" Is that how you're going to treat your girlfriend? " I said
" I love something like that " Lily cut in and we both faced her.
" Oh,,, I mean,,,, I,,,, like it,, how you pushed her head, " she said nervously and ran off

" What's wrong with her? " Reed asked
" She's in love with you " I whispered and he choked
" Are you crazy?? How can she,,,, that's not possible " He said
" Hey brother stop pretending,, you know she's in love with you " I said in a serious tune
" How will I know? Am I in her mind? "

" I know you can read minds " I said and he immediately covered my mouth with his palm
" Let go of me " I pushed his hand away
" You're right,, but I can only read minds when I want to,,, "
" That means,, you're already taking control of it. But why can't I control mine?? Why do I have to posses destructive power?? " I said in tears

" It's not a destructive power,,, don't say that to yourself " he said and wipe my tears.
" But that's the truth " I said still in tears
He shook his head and grab my hand,, we both walked into the class. My eye met with Gavin's own, I immediately looked away and faced Reed.

" I guess we are bond together " He smirked as I sat down beside him
" You're crazy brother " I snapped

A woman came in,,, I guess she's the one in charge of the general class.

........... An hour later......

" Wow,, the class was fun " Reed said to me before walking away,, my eyes followed him as he went to Gavin. Gavin hugged him like he missed him already,, I rolled my eyes and went out of the class.

I suddenly felt someone running toward me,,,,, I screamed out as he was about bumping into me,,, a hand pulled me away before the person got to me.

I opened my eyes and it was Reed,, I sighed out loud.

" That was close, I should have killed a being " I said still trying to get my heart back
" It's okay " he patted my back while I nodded continuously

" Hey Reed, let's go have lunch " a guy said behind us
" Let's go together " He took my hand
" Hey,, am Janie,, Reed's friend " He said with a smile
" I know your names,,, Reed told me actually " I said as they all walked to us
" That's cool " Rafael smiled and I nodded

" Move closer to me " Reed said and I did
" Trying to be protective right now? " Handy smirked
" Okay, you can move closer to him " Reed snapped causing me to chuckle
" No,,,,, it's fine " He said and they all laughed
" Stop talking like she's some disease " Gavin snapped like he's angry

" Cool down,,, just kidding " Handy said and I faced Gavin who only focus on where he was going,, he was the one beside me even though there's a huge space between us.
" Hmm " Janie muttered and they all laughed
" Guys that's okay,, let's get something to eat " Reed said
" Trying to act mature right now? " I smirked

They all laughed,,,
" I should have known that you are a block head " he pushed my head
" We are both blockheads " I said and pushed his head

We entered the cafeteria and my eye met with a girl,,, I've been noticing her for a while now. She's always alone and each time,, she's always with a book and a pencil and I wonder why. Doesn't she have any friend??

I walked closer to her,,,, she looked up and faced her book again. Maybe she doesn't like talking,,

" Hi,, I am Rainey " I said with a smile
" What do I need your name for?? Get lost " she snapped and faced her book
" Hey,, that's not nice. You don't treat a new friend that way " I said
" Friend??? Who said I wanna be your friend? " she stood up immediately
" Don't ever appear in front of me again " she said and walked away

I felt hurt,,, why is she talking like that?? I turned back while my eyes followed her as she walked out of the cafeteria. I was not able to get her name,, that's sad. I really wanna be her friend.

" Hey sis,, come " Reed waved at me and I joined them,,
I watched as they all eat,, they continue chatting while eating.
" Why are you not eating? " Reed asked and all eyes came on me
" I lost my appetite,, I will see you later " I said and carried my bag,, I walked out of the cafeteria

I don't know what's happening,, but I suddenly felt some hotness in my body. I ran as much as I can and went into the big garden in the school,, I dropped my bag and put off the hood I was wearing leaving the crop top,, damn when will I ever put on short clothes again?? The hotness is just too much,,,

I immediately lose the hair band making my hair fall freely,,,,, I closed My eyes and allowed the cool freeze blow all over me.

" Wow,, this feels so good " I smiled with my eyes closed
i finally opened my eyes and there is a figure in front of me starring back at me,,

" omg,, you startled me " I said touching my chest,,
It's the girl who always draw things,,
" am not even here for you " she rolled her eyes and sat down
" Hey why are you so hard on me? I just want to make friends with you " I said

" how can I make friends with a killer? " she snapped angrily
" What??? What do,,,, You mean?? " I asked already tearing up
" what do I mean?? Huh?? You killed my father!!! " she yelled And ran off

Her father?? How?? I don't even know who her father is,,,,


Who is the strange girl?
And who is her father?? 🤔🤔

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© yeesha writes