

At boot camp...
Boot camp was going to be winding down soon and Sam knew that if he didn't do something he was going to lose the friendship that he has started with West...
Wednesday morning he left home early thinking about West he locked his keys in the house but he went and got his spare key from his neighbor. Getting to the camp late everybody had already gone on the morning walk. Noone was in the office so he went into West's file and got her address and both her cell and home number.
Two hours later we came back to the camp tired and sweaty we just wanted to relax. My mind fell on Sam he's supposed to be back in today I thought.
Everybody were do things sweeping cleaning up our barrick before we got to the classes. Later in class our professor gave a oral lesson which I heard none of in one ear out the other. The day was going very slow and i just couldn't do enough to pass the time just to make it go faster. I wanted to see him there was just something about talking to him or just knowing he wanted to talk to me. Remembering that he never answered my question about him seeing someone. I didn't like the feelings that I was getting the feeling of doubt seem to make me think all kind of things.
After dinner were going back to the dorm and he was standing in front of our door talking to another instructor. We spoke and walked on in. He's not married but he was living with a lady I see them together all the time I heard Sara say.
That was the information that I was looking for now I know that I better back off now.
I will not get in a relationship with somebody that I have to worry about. I've been there before. Later that night I dreaded going to the pond talking to him now what will I say.
Time passed and I started for the pond...
He was swimming I didn't say anything I just watched realizing I was there he swam over.
West he said speaking,, what's wrong
you seem different he said. Who said something is wrong what do you mean different? He stood there in the water just looking up at me I handed him his towel to get out. I turned and walked over to the tree while he got dress. The last time we talked I asked you if were you with someone and you didn't answer since then I found out that you are living with a woman. That's why you're in this mood he said. What mood... West I can feel a wall of defense all around you. This wall was there before we started talking and it's getting thicker. Now I'm starting to realize why you got this distance thing about you. If I was with someone do you think that I would be talking to you?
Look I know that some men do that kinda thing and it messes things up for the guys that are loyal, true and honest.
Not all men are the same some of us are looking for something special like you. And some find tjem and break their trust ruining it for someone like me he said. West you don't think that I know how special you are. I don't know and I don't wanted know who he was. But the way you act I can tell that your trust has been broken by someone, please don't hold that against me. Those words made me want to cry. Sam stepped closer to me reached down grabbed my hand looked into my eyes, West don't turn me away even if you won't allow me to get close to you in that way I would still like to be a friend.
I like talking to you he said. Even if we are just talking I feel that you're pulling away from something you're not quite sure about trusting... We're going to be leaving soon this will be over I said. Boot Camp will be over don't turn me away just because Im not there I still want to talk to you. I want to help you through this even if as just a friend.
Don't allow this to make you stop me from being there for you West he said. All I could do was walk away I left him standing there.
I went back to the dorm and went to bed.

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