

This is an excert from my book that in nearing completion.

How can there be perfection in sickness and disease? How can there be perfection in war, and all the terrible things takin place in the world?

As spoken of before, sickness, disease, war, conflict, and all manner of terrible things are clear signs of misalignment. We must be able to choose both alignment and misalignment otherwise we would not be free. The level of misalignment is a choice that we have made for ourselves, and we can at any time choose alignment, and the unpleasant nature of misalignment is there to get our attention and to educate us.

Within the ability to choose freely is the perfection of Gods plan. When I see terrible things taking place, I see a very important aspect of freewill unfolding. I know that the very misaligned things that are taking place do not have to happen, but the capacity for anything to take place must exist. In this capacity and free will I see perfection and the truth of God. As I see free will unfolding in perfection, I also see the purpose of free will. The purpose of free will is to educate us about the true nature of life and God. The signs of misalignment are in place to teach us and guide us, but if we refuse to listen then we must learn by the fruits of our choices what alignment and misalignment is all about.

Remember that when we chose misalignment, we are only ever choosing to go against our own deepest and most authentic nature, and this is because we are all a part of the body of God. Our deepest truth is Gods deepest truth. When we choose such misaligned things, we are only ever going against ourselves and God. When I see free will unfolding, I see immortal an infinite souls as they undergo the testing ground of physical life, and I see them maturing into spiritual adults. This is the perfectiob that is all around us. And God will never force us to choose, but he wuill guide us and educate us.

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© Zakary Reif - JustasK -
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on unsplash