


It was a coolish night and she was up in her living room alone inside the house and sitting on her couch. And on her computer she was thinking about going onto skype her parents left her alone inside the house to take care of it.
She was just talking to her friends on skype and instragram she thought about her friends alot lately how she was going to miss them when they all go to college.
As the crickets outside started to chirp and low ground covered fog rises over the pool, and where the silence of the night crept into the air as will.
Then she recieves a message on her computer it was from an friend that she hasn't talked to in a long time, a guy that she had a crush on since middle school.
The message was sent to her from his profile and she read it, the feeling inside of her tringle in her white papermache skin, that out stretches over her bone structure giving her womanly figure that real beauty that she was. As her settled youth that lays upon her face she is like a chiseled out fashion model that has many things to go right for her.
She reads the message that was sent from her...
"Hey what's up?" - She types back. "Nothing much just chilling" - She sent the message and he sent one back to her.
"Cool, nice night isn't it?" - She responds back to him. "Yeah I guess" - she sent the message. He responds back to her. "Are you safe and alone inside the house" - She types back. "Yeah my parents are gone on a holiday".
She sent the messsage, and he responded back to her and it seemed like a quick response back.
"I see" she types back to him. "So what are you upto?" she sent the message and he answers back to her. "Nothin just hanging?" - she answers back. "Hanging where?" - she sent the message and the he responses again with a quick type. "Hanging outside in the night alone?" she felt like this was a good easy coversation and she kept talking to him. "Outside where?" then she sent the message but no response back and she waits for few more hours and then nothing it's like the man that she knew as offline.
And she gets up slowly and goes to the kitchen a message on her phone chimes in and it was the guy again.
"You like scary movies?" - she response back to by text. "I guess?" he text back to her, and she felt like this was getting to personal or very awkward.
"How about the homemade scary movies?" - she reponses back. "You mean a hand held scary movie like the blair witch Project" - and he responses back to her. "I got a new one for you to like?" and she jiggles a chuckle in her lips and she thought this was strange. "Oh what's that?" - she text back. "It's called I see you", and she saw the message and read it and she wanted to hang her phone up but couldn't.
"I see... you?" she responsed back. "Yes" he text back. "What is it about?" she waited for a few minutes for him to responsed and she went around the house and with phone in her hand she went to lock the doors. Her phone made a ding when she recieved a message from the guy that she was now thinking that he was crazy. "It's about you - your the star of the movie?" she got all nervouse and scared about that message and she went into the entry there came a knock at the door. She jumps as she gets startled and she wants to call for help but before she did she couldn't she didn't have any service.
"Hello?" she calls out towards the door that was in front of her. Then another message chimed in on her phone and it was the guy again.
"Hello - hello you dumb bitch you think that your safe we are out here in the middle of nowhere and you have where to run." She responses - "Okay this isn't funny okay who are you?" she sent the message back. And he resends the message back to her. "I'm your friend remember me?" she replies back to the message on her phone. "My friend, you know what this it's called harrassment and you are no friend of mine". she sent message back to him. The phone that was in her hand dings one more as she reads the message. "I am your friend heres how I know you, you are the dumb bitch who stands in the middle of her entry way holding onto her phone, while you are panicing a little inside yourself - and you have black hair, your white skin that out wretched over those bones of your splendid figure of that womanly body you have a real mature and youthful face that has many boys going after it and wanted to fuck you is that right. Sarah?" - she puts her phone down and she slowly back up then a rappening knock on the glass of the poolside patio door and she jumps and turns around.
Then she see's nothing out there, and she stands shaking and trembling she gets ready to dial the police.
She dials the number but it didn't go through and she went into the kitchen she hid there and a stranger in a hooded black cloak gown that had rippets sleeves that hang just pass the knees the figure had a white smiley face mask, the hood was long, and the figure had on black gloves, and a knife in his other hand the gown was long and black that went pass his feet.
As she slowly gets down low and then crawls like across her kitchen as the figure makes way into the kitchen he looks around to see if she's inside the kitchen, and she.
And she see's her opportunity and takes it then she runs out through the open door of the patio, and the figure stands in the kitchen and walks around then drags a tip of the knife that was in the black gloved hand that was part of the figure.
And she takes off running and then the steps lightly to the kitchen window and the figure knows where she is and she gets low and goes under the window because to lock the kitchen door to trap him.
She gets to the kitchen door and then closes and locks it the figure hears the sound and then runs over there.
Then she runs and gets low of the kitchen window she looks up slowly and sees the figure stands in the window before her and she see's the back side of the figure and the figure turns around and then smashes a fist through the window and takes hold of her shirt and then she gets loose.
Then she takes off running. Towards the road that was in front of the house the figure follows and then the figure came up running from behind her and then he suddenly caught up to her and she felt a long knife sickle into her backspine and then she fell to her knees.
The figure behind her picks her up again and then pierces the knife into her back again and she turns around and then she knocks him down and the figure grunts as it was guy's grunt and he falls back.
She reaches the front step and then the figure gets up and then runs after her from behind her again and then he takes his knife and restricts the knife into her back one more time, and then he drops her down onto the front step and then he turns her around then that was it.
And then her parents return from their holiday and they see the house is trashed and that she was gone, and her mom was the first one to find her daughter in the tree with a sign that says gotcha.

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