

There is a thick wall in my head
Cries are heard from the other side
They are sad, some ask to be dead,
Wanting me to give up on the fight

"It's not worth it, we'll die anyway
Only pain will be found in the end
We were right before, you know that
Our life is worth nothing to defend"

"Please, don't go outside. I'm scared
I know things will go wrong as they do
Just what will the others think of us?
Please stay inside, it's safer for you"

"Are you seriously worried? I was right
Too scared about what feelings you stir?
Why do you care, if you don't love?
You need no one and you don't need her."

"Fuck you, moron. How don't you know this?!
It's a simple fact every kid should know
You are like a child, immature, and dull
While acting smart – a stupid...