

The Land of Wonder
In the land of Wonders, there was a girl called Little Mary. She was known for her kindness throughout the land; every creature was always happy to have met such a wonderful girl like her for they loved to spend time with her.
Little Mary have never felt lonely for she was surrounded by all kinds of creatures at all times. The beautiful thing about her was an exceptional gift of making everyone happy. The mystery behind this happiness no one knows until there was a strange visitor, who knew so much about Mary. This wasn’t because of her fame but he knew her right from birth.
The strange visitor was Mr. Sane, a fortuneteller who lived closed to the Land of wonders. After so many years Mr. Sane found his way back to his village. No one knew why he left but the only clue they had was Sane left after the birth of Little Mary. He predicted the future about her and what is to come in the future. Mr. Sane told the King to make Mary his little Princess until she turns 18 years then she could make a choice of her title.
Little Mary didn’t know how she got to the palace. In her heart, she knew her place was far from her. She was a girl with big dreams. Her greatest dream was finding her super power so she could make the world a peaceful place.
Miss Happy Smile as she was fondly called by her friends began to such for her super ability which made her different from others. She was unique for her ability to make people laugh despite this she wanted more and to know why she was left alone in this beautiful land without a history. She became very determined in knowing what had happen to her.

After few years of asking question about her identity, Miss Happy Smile came across the books of the past and future. There was only one person who could open it: the author of the book also known as the Secret librarian. All she could think about was to know about what had happen to her when she was still little. She wanted to know her birth parents. Every secret written in the book can only be revealed to the King of Wonder Land. Her father did not know about her little adventure of finding her past.
Mr. Secret told the Little Princess he was going to help though it will come with a prize of losing her treasure gift. Mary asked him, what is my treasure gift? Why do you ask for such a priceless jewel? There is more I could give you. Mary, a naïve young girl believed the Librarian was going to help her.
The book of the past is usually opened at midnight to keep records of the recent happenings. He gave her key to the secret door in the King’s room. Although our little princess is so scared of the king; he was the last person she would want to get help from. Mr. Secret always had a way to solve such problem.
After so much complains and worries from Little Mary, a better solution came to her hearing. The Librarian told her to give the King a little portion which will make him sleep throughout the night without waking up. Miss Mary knew how to trick the King quite well; she made the King drink is orange juice and the portion made it taste sweeter than expected.
Finally the King fell asleep after taking the portion. The book of the past was usually opened after the King falls asleep. Mary said to Mr. Secret, it is time to know the truth. She opened the door with the key quietly so nobody would know what was happening. Do you know what happened next???
Mary search for the past book was so adventurous with so many task to do before getting the next clue. It was just like playing a game whereby yiu have to complete each level to get a clue to the next. Miss Mary adventure started immediately the door was opened. She was so surprised because the Librarian never told her about the game nor clue to getting to know her past. Mary was always inquisitive trying to get to the root of every matter. She was never satisfied until she gets to see the end.
Let’s talk about Little Mary Adventure; it started with level where she needs to choose her favorite character to play the game in other to get the clue for the next stage. There were three characters: Smile, Friendly and Wink. She already knew her character would be Smile as she was fondly called Miss Happy Smile in the land of Wonder.
Miss Mary got her clue right in front of her in a little card saying welcome Smile, you just completed level one of your task, follow the arrow to get to level two. She was happy as always thinking that everything was going to be easy. Our little Princess forgot that as the stage progresses it will be difficult.
The real story began when the strange visitor told Mary he knew so much about her past. She became curious about who were her real parents? Mary was someone who never cared about those she never knew but this strange fellow caught her attention by telling her who she really was.