

"Nobody's coming to save ur ass"
"Look at you", I said. "Why do you think top university and top institute wants your punk ass? You stand for nothing. You're an embarrassment. "

You're one dumb motherfucker. You read like a 3rd grader. You're a fucking joke! You've never tried hard at anything in your life besides games, and you've goals??? That's fucking hilarious."

"You need to stop your lazy ass excuses and cheating, none of this is gonna cut it! No more taking the easy way out! It's time to grow the fuck-up!"

"It's on u, " I said. "Yeah, I know shit is fucked up. I know what you've been through. I was there, bitch! Merry fuckinnnn Christmas. Nobody's coming to save your ass! Not ur mommy, not ur daddy. nobody! It's up-to you! "