

S 2
This is Samrat part 2 . Those who didn't read S 1 kindly read in my profile and come to this story . Then only you will understand this story . .

S 2 -- SAMRAT 2

After the death of king Abhidom . Darsh also killed by Bheema .

In samrat :

Abhidom's son Benu become a king of Samrat . And he accepted to pay tax to the British governor Villiam .

In China :

As per demand Bheema become a king of china .

In Japan :

Shin was happy and Sad now because Darsh killed his friend Kim and Happy was Darsh also killed .

in Samrat village :

Conditions of people :

Before people paying less tax to the king but now people are paying more tax to the king . King will pay tax to the British governor .

in Samrat palace :

Benu -- people hereafter pay double tax .

People -- you know our conditions now how we will pay tax .

Benu -- i don't know .
People -- if Darsh came means he will kill you .

Benu -- Ha Ha Ha . Aldready Darsh was dead .

People are very sad .

in samrat village :

Ramu -- No Way pay the tax .
People -- How ? you know our situation know .

Ramu -- yes . But if you didn't pay tax to the king ,he will kill us .

Vikram -- Darsh taught us . Come let's fight against the king .

People -- yes let's fight .
Ramu -- who will lead us .
Vikram -- I will lead you .

People formed a group and they started fight with king .

Every soldiers supported the People .

in palace :

Benu -- Now what we can do ?
Chuhan -- only way is we should escape to China .

Benu -- okay .

In China :

Bheema -- what happened in Samrat .
Soldiers -- People are in protest .
Bheema -- where is Benu ?
Soldiers -- on the way he is coming here .

Bheema -- okay go .

in samrat :

Vikram -- people king escaped .
People -- then destroy the palace .
Vikram -- No . Because the lord Darsh build this . So don't destroy it .

Night .

King Bheema came here to kill Vikram .

But Vikram kicked king Bheema .

Vikram -- king Bheema welcome .

Vikram cuted king Bheema's Finger .

Vikram -- people king Bheema came to kill me but I cuted his finger .

King Bheema escaped . . . . .

Bheema -- one day I will kill you . . .


in China :

Varuna -- Father my small father Ram is coming .


Ram was Bheema's brother . He is most danger than Bheema . Now he is coming from Islamic state .

Ram -- I will kill him infront of people .

Bheema --- Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha .

Ram -- Did you killed Darsh .
Bheema -- yes .
Ram -- Tomrrow my friend king Ahemala is coming .

Bheema and others are shocked .

Bheema -- Ahemala ! whay did you called him .

Ram -- Because he want Samrat .

Bheema once again shocked . .

Bheema -- are you mad .
Ram -- I know Benu become a king of Samrat . But Ahemala will kill Benu .

Bheema -- okay but .. .. ...
Ram -- shut up your mouth and just watch .

Few minutes later .

Benu -- so now what can I do ?
Bheema -- give Samrat to Ahemala .
Benu -- okay who is he ?
Bheema -- He is Islam state king . He is danger than me and Ram . His food is people .

Benu -- what ?
Bheema -- yes he will eat people .


Ahemala one of the most dangerous king more than Bheema and Ram . His food is poor people he will kill poor people and he will eat . Some people and king worship him as a God lord Alha .

Bheema -- i think tomorrow big beast in samrat .


in Samrat :

Ram -- who cuted my brother Bheema's index finger .

Vikram -- it's me . What you will do ?
Ram -- Ha Ha Ha . What is your age .
Vikram -- 69 .
Ram -- 69 years old man cuted my brother's finger . Ha Ha .

Ram cuted Vikram's left hand .

Ram -- people new king will come to Samrat .

In China :

Benu was crying .

Bheema -- Benu don't cry .
Benu -- he will kill me .
Bheema -- No No No . don't cry .
Benu -- then save me .
Bheema -- okay . Don't come out of this room .

Benu -- why ?
Bheema -- if you come out my brother will kill you .

Benu again started to cry .

After few minutes .

Krisha -- Father how was Darsh dead ?

Bheema -- Ha Ha Ha .

Darsh got pain in his knee and he couldn't able to walk that time in one big forest I shooted him with new weapon gun which British gave .

Krisha -- father really he was dead .
Bheema -- yes . okay go and sleep .

In Samrat :

People -- our only option is we should accept the new king and we should pay tax .

Vikram -- No don't do like that let's fight with them .

People -- Please keep quite .

Vikram -- i didn't have only one hand with this one hand I will fight with them .

People -- No. our option is we will pay tax to the new king .

Vikram -- then your wish .


AHEMALA'S dangerous entry in samrat .

In samrat centre town hall :

Bheema , Ram , Shin , Benu and Villiam came with their soldiers for respecting Ahemala .

Bheema -- Ahemala You will be the new king of Samrat .

Ahemala -- Thank you a lot .

Ahemala came near to the chair and he going to sit on the chair to become a king .

Ram -- Ahemala sit . why are you standing .

Ahemala -- No . Something is wrong.
Villiam -- what ?
Ahemala -- my Soldiers are reducing .

Many Soldiers were killed .

Ahemala -- who killed my Soldiers .

Shin was missing .

Villiam -- where is king Shin ? he is missing .

Bheema -- where he is ?

Shin was killed his head fall infront of Ram .

Ram -- who killed Shin ?

it's me !

Soldiers -- He came !
Bheema -- who
Soldiers -- Darsh .

Bheema , Benu and Villiam shocked !
Because DARSH came .

Darsh came with bloody knife .

Bheema -- are you still alive ?
Darsh -- yes !

Darsh only killed soldiers and Shin .

Villiam -- we shooted you .

Darsh -- yes ! Bheema shooted me but he didn't check that I'm alive or not . this is big mistake .

Ram -- who he is ?
Benu -- He is Darsh .
Ram -- oh !!

People -- we are not accepted Ahemala to become a king .

People throwing stone on Ahemala .

People -- Go out Ahemala .

Ahemala got Angry . . .

Infront of Ahemala Darsh become a king of SAMRAT .

Ahemala got more Angry .

Darsh -- People do you accept me to become a king of Samrat .

People -- yes !

Ram got more Angry .
Bheema , Benu and Villiam shocked .

Vikram -- new king for samrat came .
People -- No one can't able to kill us .

Darsh -- people no need to pay tax .

SAMRAT 2 -- S 2

In China :

Ahemala fighting with a big Elephant .

Bheema -- Ram what happened to Ahemala ? why he is fighting with an elephant .

Ram -- when he is in angry he will fight with an elephant .

Ahemala killed the elephant .

Ahemala -- soldiers prepare this elephant for dinner .

Soldiers -- okay king .

Few minutes later .

Ahemala -- who he is ?
Benu -- He is Darsh .
Ram -- Ahemala before he is a chief soldier of Samrat .

Ahemala -- okay . I want Samrat kill him .

Bheema -- impossible ! he killed many members . so soldiers are afraiding .

Ahemala -- okay Bheema do war at night time .

Bheema -- No he will kill us .
Ahemala -- Ha Ha don't kill him . Kill the people in samrat .

Bheema -- okay .


In Samrat :

Bheema -- soldiers come front .

Half of the soldiers were killed .

Bheema -- okay silently move to that house and kill the people .

Soldier -- king where is our soldiers . No one there except me .

Bheema -- what ? where they are ?

Vikram came infront of Bheema .

Vikram -- Bheema I only killed your soldiers . Within this one hand .

Darsh clapped from the palace outside .

Darsh -- Now I will not kill you .
Bheema -- why ?
Darsh -- Because I married your daughter Krisha .

Bheema in shock .


In Samrat :

Big meeting in Samrat with all the kings .

Ram -- who are you to marry our Daughter ?

Darsh -- your Daughter likes me and I like your daughter so only i married your daughter .

Ram -- Hey !!

Bheema in upset . . .

Ahemala came to samrat .

Darsh -- welcome Ahemala .
Ahemala -- we all are your Enemy's .
Darsh -- yes ! But now we are friends .
Ahemala -- No Way.
Darsh -- yes ! But Bheema become friends .

Ahemala -- Bheema you become friends .

Bheema -- No . !! Darsh one day I will kill you .

Darsh -- Yes . Thanks now you can vacate .

Bheema went to China . .


In Darsh's Room :

Darsh -- Did you like me ?
Krisha -- yes !!
Darsh -- Are you missing your father?
Krisha -- Lot .
Darsh -- Okay now you are the Queen of Samrat .

Krisha -- okay .

In china :

Ahemala -- We wanto kill Darsh .
Bheema -- No .
Ahemala -- why ?
Bheema -- Because he married my daughter .

Ahemala -- yes . We wanto kill Krisha also .

Bheema got Angry and he kicked Ahemala .

Bheema -- Who are you to kill my Daughter .

Ahemala got very angry and Fight between Bheema and Ahemala .

Ahemala -- I will kill you .

Ram kicked Bheema .

Bheema -- Ram !!
Ram -- I want Samrat . I will kill Krisha , My Brother.

Bheema kicked Ram also .

From backside Bheema's daughter Varuna kicked Bheema .

Varuna -- Father i wanto kill Darsh . So now move to Jail .

Varuna pushed his father to Jail .

Bheema -- varuna he will kill you . .
Varuna -- okay . .


Varuna in training . .

In Samrat :

Vikram become minister of Samrat .

In palace :

Darsh -- Vikram they will do war on us . so tell our soldiers to alert .

Vikram -- okay king .

Krisha -- The bad king Ahemala occupied China . Now my father in my jail .

Darsh -- what ?

Krisha -- I wanto see my father now please war on them .

Darsh -- okay . Vikram today now we are going to war on them .

In China :

Soldiers -- Darsh came to war on us .
Ahemala -- okay tell our soldiers to alert . Where is Ram ?

Soldiers -- He is on training .
Ahemala -- inform to him also .

After few minutes .

Darsh started war on China .

Darsh -- Ahemala ! come and fight with me .

Villiam -- i will come !
Darsh -- come ! soldiers Attack .

Now fight between Villiam and Darsh . .

Soldiers were attacking on China .

In China Jail :

Bheema trying to escape . So he trying to break the cell .

Vikram standing in the top of the jail .
Vikram trying to break the Jail .

In war :

Villiam pushed Darsh .

Soldiers we attacking China .

In China Jail :

Vikram breaked the jail .

Bheema -- thanks Vikram.
Vikram -- okay come let's go .
Bheema -- okay .

Bheema came out of jail .

In war :

Bheema joined with Darsh .

Bheema kicked villiam and Darsh cuted Villiam's leg .

Bheema -- we wanto destroy them Darsh !

Darsh -- yes .

Darsh soldiers were destroyed half of the palace . Ahemala soldiers defending on them .

Ram and Varuna came to the war .

Ram -- my brother come and fight with me .

Bheema -- yes ! I will come .

Now fight between Ram and Bheema .
Bheema pushed Ram and Ram kicked Bheema .

Darsh -- where is Ahemala ?
Varuna -- He is in palace . Can you fight with me ?

Darsh -- I will not fight with girls .
Varuna -- But I like to fight with you .

Varuna kicked Darsh .

Varuna -- Ready for fight .

Bheema pushed Ram and Bheema slapped Ram .

The Big war is Happening outside but Ahemala is relaxing inside the palace .

Krisha came to the war .

Krisha kicked Varuna . Fight between krisha and Bheema .

Half of the soldiers in China were Dead .

Now Ahemala Pet animal elephant came to the war .

The Elephant pushes Darsh with trunk .

Darsh -- Vikram Release !

Darsh shouted .

Vikram released the cage . Inside that cage 300 tigers are there .

300 tigers came out and killed China's soldiers . Tiger killed lion for its flesh .

Ram kicked Bheema .


Krisha -- Father !!


Darsh cried .
Darsh in angry mood .

Darsh kicked Ram . Big fight between Darsh and Ram .

Vikram released Lion's cage . 500 Lion came outside .

Varuna afraid and She escaped from China .

Ram also escaped .

Vikram -- king Varuna and Ram escaped .

Darsh -- kill Ahemala .

Darsh and Vikram went to Palace inside .

Ahemala also escaped .

Darsh got more Angry .

Darsh and his Soldiers returned to Samrat .

In Samrat :

Darsh cried infront of people because his wife Krisha was dead .

In Palace :

Darsh -- I wanto kill them . Find them ?

Vikram -- okay king .

In China near Forest :

Ahemala , Ram and Varuna hiding inside one small cave .

Ram -- why we are hiding ? I wanto kill Darsh .

Ahemala -- Wait . We are hiding here for one hunter .

Varuna -- who he is ?

Ahemala -- He is JHON . He is the last and finall British governor . People will call him as a ghost .

Ram -- When he will come ?

Ahemala -- Now only i written a letter and send through Dove . Soon he will come .

About JHON .

Jhon was a last and finall British governor . People will call him as a ghost . He will come .

In Samrat :

Darsh -- I think they are planing something .

Vikram -- yes king .

Darsh -- okay let's call MALIK .
Vikram -- who he is ?

Darsh -- He was my close friend . The people will call him as a young tiger . Vikram send a letter to Malik through Dove .

Vikram -- okay king .

About MALIK :

Malik was a Young tiger and he is against the tax and bad people . .


Next .

Coming soon .

The rise of malik is a part of S1 and s2 . And after this S 3 ( THE FINALL WAR ) will come soon .


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© Indian writer Darshan