

The Unwanted Dream!!!...(part-4)
Gilbert suddenly said,"I'm Space Scientist & Ava is Physicst.We are childhood friends.& we've never liked Titan. It is just......"Ava said,"O, Gilbert just relax."Then Ava again said,"When spaceship was ready to go Titan from Earth, a Terrible War broke out many people had died as all thaugt it'll be better than planet Earth in that people our parents was also involved. By that war, I had lost my Father."Ava had tears in her eyes. Gilbert put his hand on her shoulder and said,"Ava you don't suit with tears, be brave."Robert said," And your Mom?"Gilbert said,"She is on planet Earth.And my parents are too."Ava said,"Our parents sent us there for our better life and when we went there as time passes we became scientist &physicst.Now there is only a tree preserved in a safe place covered with unbreakable glass.And that was Snatched from Earth. there were only two trees on Earth. So that a hostility produced between those planets. our curiosity always led us near the place of tree for research about a tree. Gilbert you say now I'm tired". Gilbert said,"One day we are caught when we were near tree that was prohibited to all and considered a big crime.So that they replaced our some Organs to robotic instruments.That organs were used for the people who birth on Titan. People who are from Earth were tortured and that person who's brain & heart was replaced are made labours of the people of Time.And we were making a spaceship to go on Earth to meet our parents.And again we are caught, now we were to replaced or heart and brain thus we escaped from Titan. Robert said,"Oh too bad behavior with the people of Earth then why have you come 240 million years ago?"Ava said,"Because........"
-To Be Continued...