

Inner demon(Reunoin) Ep4

Suddenly, the monster came running towards him, he sees a paper ontop of a rock and picks it up, discovering the demon's weakness was multitude.
The command was to snap his fingers, and without thinking Shawn obliges and does as told.
With his newfound power, he transformed into a swarm of trolls, overwhelming the beast with their sheer numbers.
The monster vanished and reappeared, striking him repeatedly until he grew feeble.
Despite this, he did not surrender. Instead, he transformed into a million trolls, each armed with a weapon.
A million trolls surrounded the demon, and Shawn was given the opportunity to obtain the second potion which held power of INVISIBILITY.

And another portal, openes again, He was completely drained from the countless battles he had endured, and decide to take a nap.
Ofcourse, turning himself to troll and making himself invisible.

After two hours, He was abruptly awoken by a sudden rush of hot air. As he opened his eyes, he was met with the sight of a towering brown giant holding a large piece of wood.
Despite the shock of the unexpected encounter, he managed to remain calm.
Our protagonist scared by the monster, who stares at him intently. Suddenly, feels a piece of paper that was placed in his hands while he slept off. Upon reading it, he is reassured that the monster is aware of his presence, but is unable to see him.
So he moves gently and slowly, even if the gaints eyes still moves to his position.
He stays calm and the right moment, he takes the giant's piece of wood and as the giant charges towards the wood
Shawn knocks him out with just one wipe.
Shawn gains the power of super strength all accumulated in the piece of wood.
"Damn....this is awesome" Said Shawn to himself holding the strong wooden stick, taking the third potion with ease.
Shawn is very exciting for his next battle, to accomplish what his father couldn't accomplish.

The portal opens again and sucks Shawn again.
He appears to be in ancient rome, he sees birds in the sky flying in different directions.
Looking down, he sees antelope running at high speeds
"What's going on?" Asked Shawn to himself as a mysterious man with a galea got down from a black horse.

"It's a marvel, you made it this far kid" The man said with a smirk
"Your father was not able to defeat me, you know" He added
"Well, I dare you" Said Shawn with confidence, as one of birds pooped on his shoes.
"Ewww" he added disgusted, and he notices a paper once again.
And upon reading, he discovers that fighting the creature the mysterious man control will make him stronger.

And without giving Shawn time to process the message, the man levitates effortlessly, his power extending to the trees around him.
He commanded them to sprout legs and arms, transforming them into fierce creatures charging towards Shawn.
Shawn dodges all thier attack, climbing the branches and goes one on one with the man.

The man used his control over the plants to tie himself up, rendering himself immobile.
"No!!!!" Shawn struggled.
Shawn's mind wandered to the memories he had shared with his mother and Laurette.
He reminisced about the beautiful moments they had spent together.
The laughter, the love and the warmth that they had shared were etched in his mind
"Now, its time to be like us, kid and...." Said the man
Shawn yelled "Never!!!!!!" and transformed into a troll.
He swiftly knocked out the mysterious man with a single swipe of the giant's wooden brick.
And all the possessed trees went back to normal.
The Portal opened again throwing Shawn back to earth, appearing back in the basement.

© by lunatic tales