

A Glimpse of Change: Prologue
Her name was Fuko, an ordinary girl living in an ordinary world. She grew up in an old but chaotic, big town.
Her life was not that fun as many thought it was, it was mostly her growing up lonely and scared. I suppose growing up without a father figure was one thing that added to her helplessness in certain situations. But it is also the fact that she had more responsibilities weighing on her shoulders as compared to everyone else in the family, that also added to the weight of her sadness. She had to work day and night to help her mother and her younger, half siblings.

She worked extremely hard to get to where she is today. She is now the CEO of a huge company called Fury Co. in S city*.
But how was she able to do so on her own, she was just an innocent and kind little girl, that anyone could easily take for granted. Had her trust broken plenty of times by her so called friends back then, but how was she able to climb to the top of the ladder, all on her own. Well that is what people have been trying to find out, the man next to her, the executive Assistant, Who is he? And how is that the day he appeared in her life, was the day it changed forever. Lemme know if you want me to continue with this story :)

(*Fictional city)
© Filia💞