

How Do You Relate to Your Ship??
> Often times we think of Relationships from a perspective of A Romantic point of view. However, this selection will dive deeper into Relationships, & "How You-Relate-To-Your-Ship"). Think of your Body as a vessel or a ship, how do you relate with your vessel? Our ships are controlled by our "Master Computer", our "Mind". If our Mind is unhealthy the Ship Is Unhealthy.

>What we feed our minds, determines the Performance Quality of our ship. How we Relate to ourselves is the first step in the Transition stages to Relating to others & there Ships(Relationships). Like most ships, they need upkeep, just like our Mind & Body. Our Image diet determines alot of what controls our Mind & how we Relate to ourselves, and our ships.

>Image diet, just means what do you Spend your energy Absorbing Visually? Most Of us know TV (Te-lie-vison) is bad For us. Not Only does it affect the way we Think, it affects the way we feel among other things. Now we're not here to Talk about TV, but to dig deeper into the Question" Is What We're Watching Making Us better in some ways or any at all?

>How does what We allow our children to watch Affect there minds? Images help us relate memory through pictures, colors, sounds Etc. Depending on what emotions are attached to these Images it dictates how we live our lives & the decisions we make or don't make, the Opportunities we take & don't. Our Minds (Master Computer) are like Storage ships.

> The More (New) information you Retain, sift through it, fact check it, then decide when it needs to be applied. Most of our Minds are running off of old memories, old programming, old habits that no longer serve our best interest. Some people are "Hoarders" of info, that they don't need , henceforth they always feel overwhelmed or overloaded. This is why the sifting through process is vital, the old Information vs. New information are in conflict within you. (Cognitive dissonance).

>Every Ship is ran by a computer system, and if the Electrical systems are in conflict a part of the ship starts to suffer. This is the Same with Or Minds, when our thoughts are in conflict, our physical ship Starts to suffer. The Brain and The "Mind" are two different entities. The "Brain" is a physical Manifestation of the "Mind". The Mind is "Unseen". The Brain is the Physical computer system that processes images, programs,routines etc from the Mind.

> So in a Sense Everyone Does "Magic" on daily basis. Lol , Don't worry I'm not Crazy, lol. The Art of "Magic" is the mysteriousness of the "Unseen", we call it a "Trick". The "Trick" is to make the crowd/ Person figure out the "Unseen" trick. The Brain & Mind Work in coordination the same way. The Brain Has transistors of nerve endings that are thousands of thoughts, feels, emotions, pictures etc. Whatever Items of Thought are at the forefront of your Brain, the Mind attaches itself to those Thoughts, & starts to process them as Desires, wants, needs, doubts, etc. This Process in Universal Law terms Is Polarity & Relativity, in other words "As so Above, so Below". No this isn't A "Bible" verse , it's a "Universal Principal".

> Some People's "Ships" are in need of serious repair. The Less our "Minds" are feed with the correct diet of Images, Sounds, Routines, Nutrition, Entertainment/ (INNERTAINMENT), etc most of us are shells of ourselves, in better terms, (Robots). The Brain is limited because it's constantly distracted by Earthly Things, The "Mind" is INFINITE. This is why it's important for Children to have a "Cultivated imagination", to explore "Constructive" building blocks of Creativity.

>The Brain is your "Conscious Mind" & your Mind is the "Subconscious Mind". Look At the Mind As an "Infinite Processing System of Energy". The Mind Hates to be limited, it has to be inspired by the Adequate Energy/InnerChi it needs in order perform at it's Maximum potential. Now, going Back to the "Magic" portion I was talking about. When we pull things from the "Unseen" into physical reality what's that called?
Whether it's Good Or Bad or what most Call " Lessons". Our Ships need the right " Reliable" , Dependable, encouraging teamin order to "Preserve our Sexy" lol . Yep, I said it " Preserve our Sexy", we all physically within our ships want a certain Look to be maintained over a Long duration of space. So, that comes with "Preventative Maintance" on different levels.

> These levels are: Healthy Nutrition/Healthy Self Talk/ Healthy Daily routines/Intellectual Study Routines/ Communication Habits/ Environmental Routines/ Critical thinking/Strategic Thinking/Inspirational Affirmations/ Vision boards/ Refining Self Disciplines, & more.

>Healthy Nutrition is one of the most Important items to cover as we move forward. Most Melanin people traditionally have been "Programmed" into"Believing" certain (Unhealthy) eating traditions that has been killing our elders or making them have certain physical problems and Conditions for decades. Eating heavy Meats /Dairy/Processed foods/Fast foods/ GMO foods/etc , has caused so much early death amongst other illnesses to Generations of Melanin people. One Of the first steps to a Healthy Ship is a drastic change in Nutrition. As the Great Dr. Sebi says ("Eat to Live, not live to eat"). I'll go further into Nutrition as we Go along & the importance that it plays with our Moods, Our Thinking etc.

>The Next Item we come to is Healthy Self Talk. Most people heard when they were growing up that "it's Crazy to talk to Yourself", or " Only Crazy people Talk to themselves") Or Finally "You can talk to Yourself as long as you don't answer"). Loll, You gotta love the madness of those thought process angles huh.? So once we get beyond the mundane way Of thinking about Self talk, we'll discover a New world of Possibilities and Enlightenment. Now Notice I said the word "HEALTHY" Self talk not "Self Sabotage", we'll go into that later, or in My next Publishing. Thoughts are Very Powerful & whatever Dominates that Energy, forms into physical reality, Good or Unhealthy/ Bad.
Start your Day With "Positive affirmations Everyday, Write down Positive Quotes leave them Where your Eyes look everyday, (such as your bathroom mirror etc). Also, Write down Everything in your Past that may still conflict with "Healthy" Self talk of your present, and burn it, bury it, put it in a bottle and throw it in the sea. This is a great way to Rid yourself of Bitter thoughts, Past trauma, etc.

>Health Daily Routines can be a variety of Creativity outlets. Plan your days out, the day before even if you plan on Lounging around the house all day. Make sure within that "Lounge" time that you, explore different creative Hobbies or Activities that are productive for your Mind & Things that you're Passionate about. Our Creative Passions are like The boiler room of the Ship, it fuels us to Greater outputs & Performance levels.
Of Course there's the obvious things stay active, but Keep your Mind Balanced And poised.

>Healthy Daily hygiene habits are very vital to maintaining a Physical ship, & it's also Soothes the mind. "Attention to Detail" time is When you pay attention to what your body needs hygiene wise and Physically and you supply the need. Example: Your body's gonna tell you that you need A bath, & you need to soak. We've gotta Listen to those thoughts, and not do the opposite and take a shower, baths have a way of healing, especially herbal Baths. Also Massages on a regular basis won't hurt either,lol.

>Intellectual Study Routines, are Extremely vital to our Main Computer System, Our Mind. I can't say This LOUD ENOUGH "MAKE SPACE EVERYDAY TO STUDY/ READ" NO EXCUSES, ok now that's Loud Enough, lol. Whatever your Learning style is, make sure that you use it everyday. Study time Is vital to any successful endeavors that we take on in our Journey's. Study time is Self love. The Brain is the Most important muscle in the Ship, it needs to be fed with new "Productive" info everyday.

>Communication Habits. I know we all have Technology in our hands all the time To communicate In a variety of ways. However, this Virtual Shift has taken away genuine bonds, and at times, putting in the work to actually get to know People is a weird concept know ah days. How we communicate with other's has alot to do With Self talk, as we covered previously. Communicating your thoughts through writing, is a great outlet to offload things that may affect the energy of other's in A Positive or negative way. So, a journal or Diary, or If you're someone that wants to inspire other's through your experiences, you may want to consider Writing a E-book etc.

>Environmental Routines. What is the mood that you want to create in your personal environments you encounter everyday. Example: If you want a peaceful environment there's Meditation music, sounds of Nature, sounds of the beach etc. These sounds create a feeling of piece when heard no matter where you are, mostly. Another way to Balance out your environment is to Play Jazz, it has a way of Soothing us even in working conditions. Let's go to smells.
>Sage, Lavender, Eucalyptus etc, are great smells to have flowing through the air, they're great for health reasons also. Some people "Smudge" their environment to Cleanse it of bad energies or to refresh and restorei it. Other people are into Incense & Candles, so whatever fits your budget and your surroundings. ( Just make sure the ingredients are ALL NATURAL).

>Critical thinking. With most ship the Person steering the ship or vessel has to have Critical thinking skills. In a split moment being able to adapt to any circumstances or malfunctioning. Critical thinking skills is vital to the success of any Ship, vessel, New opportunities etc. Thinking in these moments Are of the highest frequency, because usually it's decisions that are very vital to a multitude of things tied to the Ship, journey or Computer System. Without Critical thinking skills the Vessel will surely be in dangerous conditions and circumstances on a regular basis.

> Strategic Thinking. This is a very high vibration of thinking. This is when your intuitiveness Is at its high peeks. Strategic Thinking is Preventative planning for things that may not be immediate but will be an issue down the road. Strategic Thinking is being ahead of any obstacles that may discourage the Success whatever of the you're doing. Plan ahead, and stay Adaptable, never get to comfortable. All greatness/success takes Strategic Thinking & planning.

>Inspirational Affirmations, are just another Technique to push positive energy behind our thoughts, desires etc. "I Am" affirmations are most common, or you can always come up with your own, may an "I will" theme.

>Vision boards are the best way to see your Mission/ Goals everyday. A visual reminder to your Brain & Mind that these are things that we're manifesting. And these the thoughts at the forefront of our Energy. Vision boards are a great way to prioritize thoughts, goals, desires etc. As we first talked about, "Visual image" diet is important to getting things done in a sufficient amount of time, and helps us stay focused. They're also good To see things that you accomplishing and that in itself, builds self confidence, and enthusiasm, all Great traits to have for your ship or vessel.

>Refining Self Disciplines. This is the hardest part for most of us. This is when we've gotta tackle things we may've Procrastinated on or let go to long without maintaining. So Now wevey gotta do a lil Damage control in order to see a new course of direction or action. Refining disciplines will keep you freshly aware and not stagnant in one place of thought or circumstance. This Realm is ever changing, so your Disciplines have to consistently be Refined & Redefined.
> Closing:
I'm hoping this was a new perspective on how we view our Brains, our Minds, Our physical Health, Mental Health etc. It's way past Time and space that we get Serious about the Preventative Maintance of Our Physical Ships/Vessels. My Next publishing will be coming soon.

> Thanks, in advance for the support. Also I'd love new topics to write and expound upon, so Creative suggestions are welcomed.

Mind Health is WEALTH.


CoZmiK Mind.