

How Do You Relate to Your Ship??
> Often times we think of Relationships from a perspective of A Romantic point of view. However, this selection will dive deeper into Relationships, & "How You-Relate-To-Your-Ship"). Think of your Body as a vessel or a ship, how do you relate with your vessel? Our ships are controlled by our "Master Computer", our "Mind". If our Mind is unhealthy the Ship Is Unhealthy.

>What we feed our minds, determines the Performance Quality of our ship. How we Relate to ourselves is the first step in the Transition stages to Relating to others & there Ships(Relationships). Like most ships, they need upkeep, just like our Mind & Body. Our Image diet determines alot of what controls our Mind & how we Relate to ourselves, and our ships.

>Image diet, just means what do you Spend your energy Absorbing Visually? Most Of us know TV (Te-lie-vison) is bad For us. Not Only does it affect the way we Think, it affects the way we feel among other things. Now we're not here to Talk about TV, but to dig deeper into the Question" Is What We're Watching Making Us better in some ways or any at all?

>How does what We allow our children to watch Affect there minds? Images help us relate memory through pictures, colors, sounds Etc. Depending on what emotions are attached to these Images it dictates how we live our lives & the decisions we make or don't make, the Opportunities we take & don't. Our Minds (Master Computer) are like Storage ships.

> The More (New) information you Retain, sift through it, fact check it, then decide when it needs to be applied. Most of our Minds are running off of old memories, old programming, old habits that no longer serve our best interest. Some people are "Hoarders" of info, that they don't need , henceforth they always feel overwhelmed or overloaded. This is why the sifting through process is vital, the old Information vs. New information are in conflict within you. (Cognitive dissonance).

>Every Ship is ran by a computer system, and if the Electrical systems are in conflict a part of the ship starts to suffer. This is the Same with Or Minds, when our thoughts are in conflict, our physical ship Starts to suffer. The Brain and The "Mind" are two different entities. The "Brain" is a physical Manifestation of the "Mind". The Mind is "Unseen". The Brain is the Physical computer system that processes images, programs,routines etc from the Mind.

> So in a Sense Everyone Does "Magic" on daily basis. Lol , Don't worry I'm not Crazy, lol. The Art of "Magic" is the mysteriousness of the "Unseen", we call it a "Trick". The "Trick" is to make the crowd/ Person figure out the "Unseen" trick. The Brain & Mind Work in coordination the same way. The Brain Has transistors of nerve endings that are thousands of thoughts, feels, emotions, pictures etc. Whatever Items of Thought are at the forefront of your Brain, the Mind attaches itself to those Thoughts, & starts to process them as Desires, wants, needs, doubts, etc. This Process in Universal Law terms Is Polarity & Relativity, in other words "As so Above, so Below". No...