

Need Strength To Go On Story
I never had the chance to be who I want to be everyday because of being lazy me. And to say what I truly feel to someone I loved. This story is about a girl named Rosy.

I live in a place called Everdale. My mom works as a teacher while my father is an architect. I never saw them every morning when I wake up in my bed. They always get up early and went to work. Everyday when I wake up, I don't have the strength anymore to do what I want to do. Never had the strength to lift myself up and build my dreamed future. Taking steps for my dreams is getting harder. Every time I wake up, my head is full of bad thoughts about others for me to see myself beutiful. How bad am I. How bad it is to see myself getting bad thoughts and never go beyond that bad person I am. It's hard. It's very hard to be a good person totally free from any dirt be it physically, mentally, and spiritually. The most hard to practice is thinking good thoughts. This is a girl who is afraid to things that involves the feeling of being judged and less than others. Being small and in a place where I can no longer help myself and asked for others to help me. As I go towards outside of my room, I always go to my plants to check it's condition. I always feel excited about thinking that my plants will soon grow big and bear small yummy fruits. Also, I check if I already have foods that are ready for me too eat on the table. If there's non, I have to make one for me.

Eating foods is one of my favorite time for me everyday. Its fun for me to watch tv when I eat when I was younger but now, I don't think watching TV is fun.
Next, the remaing time for me the whole day is to find somethings to do. That's it. How boring is my schedule this past few months. I had a crush, a boy whom I fell in love with but I choose to keep it. Only my close friends know it. I never experienced having a boyfriend before. It's nice to tell my story this day, hope you had a good time reading it.
© Ruakh