

Bible reference:. Psalm 139:13-14 You alone created my inner being. You knitted me together inside my mother. I will give thanks to you because I have been so amazingly and miraculously made. Your works are miraculous, and my soul is fully aware of this.

Growing up, I've always wondered what it would be like to be somebody else. I grew up with sisters who never actually told me how wonderful and awesome I was unlike other families
*Rolls eyes*
I wasn't perfect , just like everyone else but I tried so much because I wanted people to love me and accept me for who I was. I didn't have much friends because I couldn't actually accept the fact that people would like me or prefer me over everyone else. It was hurtful because I would always second guess myself and see everyone as awesome and I was the "odd one"
Funny right? Well, it is now.
When I finally accepted Christ, I finally understood that I was special just the way I was. I did not require being someone else or acting like somebody else before I could be accepted by God.
The same goes for you.
You're special, you're unique, you're beautiful, you're perfect just the way you're and there's no one who you would rather be.
The Bible tells us that we are all part of God's unique plan. We weren't created to be like everyone else. We were created to be unique. To be our weird looking, awkward, slurpy, beautiful selves with beautiful souls.
Sure, we've been altered physically, mentally or spiritually due to trauma, experiences or environment but that doesn't matter. If we do not accept the way we are, how are we ever going to believe that we have become new creatures in Christ Jesus?How are we ever going to let the Holy Spirit abide in us and remind us of how much God loves and cares for us?
No matter what we might have been through on Earth, we have been given an assignment to be the best versions of who we are. We can only try to change our characters, manners or behaviours through the word of God and the Holyspirit by letting Him "transform us by the renewing of our minds" and walk with Him inorder to work inline with God's word.
God doesn't want to change or be like someone else, He wants us to become better versions of ourselves and embrace who we are because nobody else really matters but Jesus. Amen.

PS: we are all different, we were all created different to fulfill the purpose God has put us here on Earth to do.
Remember, you're amazing and most importantly, you're You.
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