

Unfulfilled Wish & Desire
Every parents has wish & desires and want towards children's given below :

There is an increase in knowledge,

There is no fight,

There is no violence,

There is no arson,

There is no injustice to anyone,

There is no theft in society,

There is no act of snatch away,

There is no violation rights of anyone,

There is always need to talk with courtesy,

There is no need to make anyone feel bad,

There is no think about anyone,

There is no need to hurt anyone,

There is no need hurt respect anyone,

There is no harm dignity & respect of women,

There is need to give affection to children,

There is no need to betray anyone,

There is no need to threaten anyone,

There is neither need to kill anyone nor attempt it,

There is no need to kidnap anyone,

There is no need to lie,

There is no need write a false statement,

There is no need to revolt in any way,

There is no need to destroy public peace,

There is no need hate anyone,

There is no need to covet people,

There is no need to insult anyone,

There is no need to cause physical harm,

There is no need to talk of defamation,

There is no need walk naked,

There is no need to perform organs,

There is no need covet people,

There is need to follow government rules,

There is need abstain from abusive,

There is no need to brutalize with married woman,

There is neither need of married or unmarried woman to seduce or attempt to seduce women

There is no need make fraudulent promises related to marriage,

There is need to keep the family employed,

There is do not commit any wrongdoing in the faith,

There is no need to remarry during life time,

There is no need to false pretenses of marriage,

There is no need to give trouble to anyone,

There is do not take advantage of helpless people in mental troubles and diseases,

There is need to stay away from crime,

There is need to stay away from criminal conspiracy,

There is no need to tamper with any kind of
